So, as I was sicker than a pervert...(get it?)... I had to go to the hospital. I was actually very well taken care of, although kinda slow. So, while I was there, swimming in and out from dreams because of whatever the hell they put in my IV line (IV line is "el cablecito del suero que te ponen", years of watching ER teaches you something, you know...), and so, many interesting things, or I shall say, many interesting people came into the emergency while I was in my bed.
1. Blond, straight-haired lady comes in, and is sitted on the chair in which blood is drawn from patients. She looks healthy, although kinda groggy, when a male nurse passes by and asks her when was her liver transplant sugery done...
2. Old guy on a wheelchair with a blank eye, kinda creepy, kept looking my way, until all his bloodwork was done.
My bed was number two, so I was right in front of the little station where all the blood is taken and all the IV's are stuck to the patients... just in case that that wasn't obvious already.
3. One of the most shocking moments I've lived in a hospital: fifty-ish guy comes in with the sickest nosebleed i've ever seen. He was bursting bad. He was saying that he was drowning on his blood, and he was gurgling and spiting blood on oodles of paper sheets that would red so quickly. The floor was drizzled with red spots, but right below him, there were little pools. I've never seen so much blood from a live person. (maybe I have, and just blocked it out of my head). The guy kept asking for help. He was taken to the back of the ER. I later heard he was in surgery.
4. Tall, toasted-skinned guy, forty-ish comes in lamenting: "ay, aay, qué dolor" and he's grabbing his stomach. He came right after the bleeding man. The nurse had put some paper towels on the floor, but she wasn't put out by the fact that she was stepping on wet blood.
5. A very tall guy, who had mental issues, behaved when the nurse said not to get stiff so that the blood would run through the needle. Then he was sat next to the wall while waiting for a bed, and he began to moan loudly. The nurse yelled from afar that the medicine was going to take effect soon, that he had to stay put for a while. The guy then wanted a glove, because he wanted to bite on it. The guy who was accompanying him said that those were not for him to use, and then I fell asleep and I don't know what else happened.
6. And finally... a lady with a lisp and (fañosa) is screaming out view: "this is what you were waiting for huh?", and she comes into view with a convulsing girl on a wheelchair. "I've been here since 2pm and you haven't looked at her yet!" It was already 10pm, and I found that hard to believe because I got to the hospital at 5:10, and I was in a bed. Anyway, so the lady kept screaming and insulting nurses. "Isn't anyone going to move?! I swear that if my girl dies here I'll kill everybody here!" Then, the girl fell from the wheelchair, and her brother grabbed her. The lady threw the chair against the wall. After a while someone told her to shut up, and the girl got service... never heard from them again...
That was an exciting night at the Hospital. Next time: Weird people at the restaurant.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Mínimo extracto de una conversación entre dos empleados que almuerzan en el restaurante donde trabajan, y a poca distancia del público general
-A esa [...] le voy a estar metiendo bicho por ese culo hasta que no pueda más.
-Oye,- contesta el otro con una sonrisa -cálmate, que ahí hay gente.
El primero se rie y sigue comiendo. Dos minutos después:
-A ella le gusta que le den bicho.
El otro se rie de nuevo. Y le repite por lo bajo:
-Mano, cállate, podemos hablar así acá tu y yo, pero ahí hay gente. -y luego se ríe de nuevo y me mira. Y yo levanto los hombros...
-Oye,- contesta el otro con una sonrisa -cálmate, que ahí hay gente.
El primero se rie y sigue comiendo. Dos minutos después:
-A ella le gusta que le den bicho.
El otro se rie de nuevo. Y le repite por lo bajo:
-Mano, cállate, podemos hablar así acá tu y yo, pero ahí hay gente. -y luego se ríe de nuevo y me mira. Y yo levanto los hombros...
Categorized as:
Thoughts En Español,
Thoughts of Friends or People
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Qué mierda es estar enfermo
Four days have gone and I'm still sick. But, it is not the kind of sick where you can go on with your life. It is the kind of sick that keeps you in bed or at home whether you want to or not. Stupid headeache. Stupid virus. How am I writing? Well, there are pools of lucidity in this mad illness that I carry, and this is one of them... but don't worry I'll be back in bed. I've never been this sick before. It sucks ass.
carajo, hasta orinar me marea.
carajo, hasta orinar me marea.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
No nos importas
No nos importas
Por: Joel
© 2006
Por: Joel
© 2006
Te duermes. El cigarrillo entre los dedos. Tu mano recostada en tu frente. Sientes las cenizas en tu pelo, despiertas, y las ves en la cama. Otras veces, has encontrado que el cigarrillo ha abandonado tus dedos, y se ha alojado en las tersas sábanas de tu cama. Has imaginado que un día arderás por tu insolencia, que, en vez de sacudirte las cenizas del pelo, alguien estregará el carbón de las paredes. Sonríes, porque uno sonríe ante las babosadas trágicas de la mente. Fumas. Exhalas el humo, te relajas. Te duermes.
El cigarrillo se escurre de entre tus dedos. Cae de punta en las sábanas. Se apiñan las cenizas, expulsando una minúscula partícula, que flota liviana como un plumón. La pizca aterriza estratégicamente sobre una gota. Una gota de gas que se destila por la astilla del encendedor de cigarrillos.
Tu pelo se enrosca. Tu nariz escudriña aquel olor irritante, pero no te despierta. Tus oídos escuchan un tiritar. Tu piel desnuda se broncea. Se te enciende el pelo, y sentir el ardor en el cerebro despierta tu cuerpo. Los gritos no ayudan. Saltas. Pero demasiado tarde.
La piel se te derrite. Se te aglutina la piel en los dedos, te la desgarras al espantar las llamas. Sientes tus pies agrietarse, como placas tectónicas, tratando de expulsar la quemazón. Tu cara se cocina, se fríe, se tuesta. Tus pulmones se ahuman, se tiznan. La puerta te preserva, no puedes abrir la perilla pues arde y allí relegas involuntariamente tus huellas digitales ensangrentadas. Las lágrimas te queman en las mejillas. La sangre se te coagula con rapidez. Las llagas se te quiebran de nuevo...
Agua te baña desde las ventanas. Cada gota es una estalactita de hielo, que recibes con la sonrisa deformada. Los bomberos arrancan la puerta. Te cargan. Sus ásperos guantes te desmenuzan los brazos, te tuercen los pellejos licuados y resbalan sobre tus músculos. Ya ni puedes gritar. Miras tu cuarto, así al revés, habría que estregar el carbón. Te fijas en la caja de cigarrillos y el encendedor. Ni te miran. No les importas. Reconocibles los dos, yacen sobre el gavetero con la infamia en sus caras calcinadas.
El cigarrillo se escurre de entre tus dedos. Cae de punta en las sábanas. Se apiñan las cenizas, expulsando una minúscula partícula, que flota liviana como un plumón. La pizca aterriza estratégicamente sobre una gota. Una gota de gas que se destila por la astilla del encendedor de cigarrillos.
Tu pelo se enrosca. Tu nariz escudriña aquel olor irritante, pero no te despierta. Tus oídos escuchan un tiritar. Tu piel desnuda se broncea. Se te enciende el pelo, y sentir el ardor en el cerebro despierta tu cuerpo. Los gritos no ayudan. Saltas. Pero demasiado tarde.
La piel se te derrite. Se te aglutina la piel en los dedos, te la desgarras al espantar las llamas. Sientes tus pies agrietarse, como placas tectónicas, tratando de expulsar la quemazón. Tu cara se cocina, se fríe, se tuesta. Tus pulmones se ahuman, se tiznan. La puerta te preserva, no puedes abrir la perilla pues arde y allí relegas involuntariamente tus huellas digitales ensangrentadas. Las lágrimas te queman en las mejillas. La sangre se te coagula con rapidez. Las llagas se te quiebran de nuevo...
Agua te baña desde las ventanas. Cada gota es una estalactita de hielo, que recibes con la sonrisa deformada. Los bomberos arrancan la puerta. Te cargan. Sus ásperos guantes te desmenuzan los brazos, te tuercen los pellejos licuados y resbalan sobre tus músculos. Ya ni puedes gritar. Miras tu cuarto, así al revés, habría que estregar el carbón. Te fijas en la caja de cigarrillos y el encendedor. Ni te miran. No les importas. Reconocibles los dos, yacen sobre el gavetero con la infamia en sus caras calcinadas.
Categorized as:
Fictional Thoughts ((CUENTOS)),
Thoughts En Español
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
On Jobs
Why is it that when you lack something you cannot do anything but yearn it, and then when you finally have it, you are a little dissapointed? (that has to do with dreams...)
Why is it that you want a job so badly, or that you need one so badly, and then when you finally get it, you can't think of anything else but the when is it going to end? Or at what time am I leaving?
And it's not even because you dislike the job... still... i dont know...
Why is it that you want a job so badly, or that you need one so badly, and then when you finally get it, you can't think of anything else but the when is it going to end? Or at what time am I leaving?
And it's not even because you dislike the job... still... i dont know...
Categorized as:
Simple or Random Thoughts,
Thoughts In English
Thursday, September 14, 2006
New Fine Arts Theather, Joel officially joins the workforce and Wii
So yesterday was an eventful day. Very eventful. It so happens that I joined the workforce. That sounds so military (random thought). And since my new job is my old job, I didn't need much training and I already got some money. And it is soooo good to have it, and stop worrying about the bank account...
But! another great thing happened yesterday, and many people didn't notice (of course, many people didn't noticed that I started to work either). Well, yesterday the NEW Fine Arts Movie Theater opened at Popular Plaza, Hato Rey (next to the train station). And it's like a café, I haven't been in, but I saw a girl with the uniform on the train today... They are going to play foreign movies... I'll be there often I think...
AAAAAAANNNNNDDDDD The most wonderful news are that today they announced the date in which the new Nintendo Wii will hit stores, it is the 19th of November! Finally! They announced it! And it's going to cost an affordable 250 dollars!, well, it is affordable compared to the 500/600 that the playstation 3 is going to cost... But that is not all! The new Zelda Twilight Princess also comes out in that date! So, geeks be merry! Woohoo!
But! another great thing happened yesterday, and many people didn't notice (of course, many people didn't noticed that I started to work either). Well, yesterday the NEW Fine Arts Movie Theater opened at Popular Plaza, Hato Rey (next to the train station). And it's like a café, I haven't been in, but I saw a girl with the uniform on the train today... They are going to play foreign movies... I'll be there often I think...
AAAAAAANNNNNDDDDD The most wonderful news are that today they announced the date in which the new Nintendo Wii will hit stores, it is the 19th of November! Finally! They announced it! And it's going to cost an affordable 250 dollars!, well, it is affordable compared to the 500/600 that the playstation 3 is going to cost... But that is not all! The new Zelda Twilight Princess also comes out in that date! So, geeks be merry! Woohoo!
Categorized as:
Simple or Random Thoughts,
Thoughts In English
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Train Video!
And Joel makes his directorial Debut with this wonderful video masterpiece about, what else, of course, The Train!
May you all be pleased
May you all be pleased
Categorized as:
Thoughts of the Train,
Visual Thoughts
Friday, September 08, 2006
Appalled! if not Horrified!
Dios mío. I believe in God, or in something or someone larger than me, that makes everything happen. On the other hand, I think the bible is just a fictional story, at least three quarters of it (a fictional story that I like, by the way, with all of the fantasy that's in it, it's like medieval Harry Potter).
Shery, dedicated a post to God some days ago. And I left a comment: "la verdad es que ese es el que lo hace todo" (the truth is that he makes it all happen). And he does!
But, God gave us Freewill (© Copyrights of the Seventh Heaven), but, people have not learn to USE it wisely! "Live, and let others live". "Do unto others as you want them do unto you". "Ama al prójimo como a ti mismo".
I was happily surfing, for upcoming movies and I find this documentary:
Jesus Camp.
I was appalled! HORRIFIED!
Why do adults make their children do these things? It is NOT healthy to worship God blindly! You have to worship him because you want to, because you feel it, because you know inside that he exists. God has to gain your trust, just like every other love you may have. Your parents have to be good to you so that you do not hate them afterwards. God has to gain your trust too.
But! Why are these small children crying at the church?! And convulsing?! What kind of derranged mind makes them do that? Seriously. To worship an idea that is not... I can't...
And not only that... WHY are the motherfucking churches promoting the "army" of god, WHY are they getting CHILDREN ready for the "war"!!!
O sea, que no entiendo. Por un lado quieren terminar las guerras, pero por otro promueven la guerra del señor. !¿QUÉ PUÑETA está pasando?! Por eso no puedo lidiar con religiones, me ponen de punta (conste que dije religiones, no dije Dios). Me voy.
An Epiphany just hit me... God is surely working on me right now...
I just said that God has to gain your trust, just like your parents, just like your boyfriends/girlfriends. And I also said that to love God blindly is not healthy... well, my epiphany consists in that
"If you love blindly then you are in bliss", because it is true, that if your love is unconditional to the point of blindness, then I guess you will cry and convulse on the floor for the ones you love...
Still, churches just want your fucking money! Do not be fooled by the sugestive music, and the overly long manipulative speeches. Read! Learn! Get your conclusions! Absorb what is good from them speeches (the parts that speak of being a possitive person for possitive results, for example), and ignore, PLEASE ignore church people when they ask u to do things that seem overly exagerated. You can feel God ANYWHERE, you can feel him in a Michael Jackson song, just as well as in a Luciano Pavaroti, and NOT just at church...
Ok, I'm leaving, because I'm starting to convulse too...
Shery, dedicated a post to God some days ago. And I left a comment: "la verdad es que ese es el que lo hace todo" (the truth is that he makes it all happen). And he does!
But, God gave us Freewill (© Copyrights of the Seventh Heaven), but, people have not learn to USE it wisely! "Live, and let others live". "Do unto others as you want them do unto you". "Ama al prójimo como a ti mismo".
I was happily surfing, for upcoming movies and I find this documentary:
Jesus Camp.
I was appalled! HORRIFIED!
Why do adults make their children do these things? It is NOT healthy to worship God blindly! You have to worship him because you want to, because you feel it, because you know inside that he exists. God has to gain your trust, just like every other love you may have. Your parents have to be good to you so that you do not hate them afterwards. God has to gain your trust too.
But! Why are these small children crying at the church?! And convulsing?! What kind of derranged mind makes them do that? Seriously. To worship an idea that is not... I can't...
And not only that... WHY are the motherfucking churches promoting the "army" of god, WHY are they getting CHILDREN ready for the "war"!!!
O sea, que no entiendo. Por un lado quieren terminar las guerras, pero por otro promueven la guerra del señor. !¿QUÉ PUÑETA está pasando?! Por eso no puedo lidiar con religiones, me ponen de punta (conste que dije religiones, no dije Dios). Me voy.
An Epiphany just hit me... God is surely working on me right now...
I just said that God has to gain your trust, just like your parents, just like your boyfriends/girlfriends. And I also said that to love God blindly is not healthy... well, my epiphany consists in that
"If you love blindly then you are in bliss", because it is true, that if your love is unconditional to the point of blindness, then I guess you will cry and convulse on the floor for the ones you love...
Still, churches just want your fucking money! Do not be fooled by the sugestive music, and the overly long manipulative speeches. Read! Learn! Get your conclusions! Absorb what is good from them speeches (the parts that speak of being a possitive person for possitive results, for example), and ignore, PLEASE ignore church people when they ask u to do things that seem overly exagerated. You can feel God ANYWHERE, you can feel him in a Michael Jackson song, just as well as in a Luciano Pavaroti, and NOT just at church...
Ok, I'm leaving, because I'm starting to convulse too...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
In my drafts I had a list of words that I found at This blog, a long time ago. These words were made changing a letter or adding a letter and giving them another meaning, these are the ones I liked the most:
1. Bozone: (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
2. Foreploy (v): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
3. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease.
4. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
5. Ignoranus (n): A person who's both stupid and an asshole.
Then, these are just words with different meanings:
1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
5. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
6. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
Entonces me inventé unas en español:
1. Mentira (s.) Mujer que, literal o simbólicamente, lanza a hombres por los aires.
2. Halón (s.) Elemento de la tabla periódica caracterizado por sus propiedades empujativas y halativas.
3. Lucha (s.), Dícese de un baño de puñetazos
4. Puñetazo (s.) Resíduo lechoso que se riega y molesta.
5. Impugnar (v.) Pelear impulsivamente.
6. Metano (s.) Metal pesado y tóxico cuando se guarda en lugares cerrados.
7. Empujativo (adj.) Se dice de los movimientos del parto.
8. Aguardar (v.) Regalar agua.
9. Halativo 1. (adj.) Que vuela con dios. 2. (s) dios televisivo
10. Bicha (s.) Chica bisexual.
11. Cagaré (s.), Depósito que se hace periódicamente
Y ahí, mi contribución lingüística. Añade las tuyas.
1. Bozone: (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
2. Foreploy (v): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
3. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease.
4. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
5. Ignoranus (n): A person who's both stupid and an asshole.
Then, these are just words with different meanings:
1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
5. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
6. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
Entonces me inventé unas en español:
1. Mentira (s.) Mujer que, literal o simbólicamente, lanza a hombres por los aires.
2. Halón (s.) Elemento de la tabla periódica caracterizado por sus propiedades empujativas y halativas.
3. Lucha (s.), Dícese de un baño de puñetazos
4. Puñetazo (s.) Resíduo lechoso que se riega y molesta.
5. Impugnar (v.) Pelear impulsivamente.
6. Metano (s.) Metal pesado y tóxico cuando se guarda en lugares cerrados.
7. Empujativo (adj.) Se dice de los movimientos del parto.
8. Aguardar (v.) Regalar agua.
9. Halativo 1. (adj.) Que vuela con dios. 2. (s) dios televisivo
10. Bicha (s.) Chica bisexual.
11. Cagaré (s.), Depósito que se hace periódicamente
Y ahí, mi contribución lingüística. Añade las tuyas.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
ANIME series that animated me
So this is a Geeky post, beware! Turn away right now if you want to stay cool. Although, geek is the new cool (they say...) (But if you like videos, stay put and read!)
I wanted to share this with you, people. Because I want to know who watches these kind of things. I never liked ANIME, you know, japan animation, I stuck with the american neatness. Toy Story, The Lion King, The Justice League, X-men, the classics Tom and Jerry or even classier Bugs Bunny. I didn't like the washed look of many of japanesse animation, I actually hated the messy and "real" way in which it was drawn. But then, came Pokemon, yes, I watched Pokemon. Why? Because it was interesting to see different "animals" have powers and battle, nothing different than the X-men. Pokemon has all japanese in it, the action, the melodrama, and mild violence... and no blood. Then I discovered Samurai Jack, an american show, from a russian creator, (the same guy who created Dexter's Laboratory) with lots of japanese influence! Oh, and even thought I didn't watch it often, I liked it a lot. Again, no blood. Then, my devirgination on Anime continued with the awesomely beautiful movie Spirited Away, so much poetry and vibrance in the drawings, I was... indescribably flabbergasted. So by now my resistance to it was waning. And finally came The Teen Titans, it is american animation japaniziced! If there is such a thing. The bright colors of american, with the abstractness of japanese.
Adultswim in Cartoon Network has corrupted me. I still am not too deep, but I'm going down hard. I was introduced to the series: "FLCL" (pronounced "foolycooly", you figure out what it means, and if you thought of sex, well, it may be). This is actually a miniseries of SIX episodes! My brother was like: "Joel, I think that even YOU would like this series". I don't know how he knew that it would, but he knew! Because I loved it! It is such a fast paced story. There are SO many details that if you look away you may loose, some little things that make the characters alive. And of course, the story! The first episode starts with an girl seducing a younger boy under a bridge. Then the boy narrates: "nothing happens in this town...". And then some weird, even older girl comes in a vespa bike and hits the boy in the head with an electric guitar. What the fuck!? And with that I was hooked. Then things started to sprout from the boys head. The boy falls in love with the girl. The girl uncovers her truth. A robot with an angelic complex. There is always a sexual tension in the atmosphere. And some lots of non-sensical shit that is simply the best characterization. And best of all, the comedy, the music and the beautiful drawings... You must watch it. And I happened to find a video! A comercial from Adultswim. Watch and judge.
This next one, is a montage with a song from the White Stripes, "I fell in love with a girl", but it's not from the show; but still it captures a lot of the crazyness and heart of this show.
Now. There is a second show I want to talk about, because it is the one that finally made me love ANIME. And this show is: Full Metal Alchemist. The same thing happened: "Joel, I think you will like this show". I was like: "Another one!" And, yes, ashamed to accept it, I loved it and I couldn't help it. This is a 52-episode show about two brothers who study alchemy and are trying to find the Philosopher's Stone (if you read Harry Potter you know what it is, kinda). They want it because they're bodies have been displaced. One of the brothers has no body, his soul is embeded into a suit of armor, while the other is missing an arm. How did this happen? Well, it is complicated. The whole show is complicated, is has a very tight plot with scheming political projects; inhuman bad guys whose names are the seven deadly sins; there is a vengeful, scarred guy who kills alchemists in the name of God; full of religious references, and morals; lots of blood; but there is also the subjects of "love above all things" and the rites of passage from boy to man. A very complete series, full of imagery, comedy and tears! you will cry, I'm sure! Gosh! I get goosebumps to even remember. I will leave you with the opening credits, of the second season of this show.
The song is so awesome! And it is a mainstream sounding rock, but the lyrics are quite profound! Just watch the last line of the french subtitles:
"Donne-moi ton corps et ton âme"
"Give me your body and your soul". That's deep. (sort of) (if you are not the creepy kind of people...)
I would translate the whole thing, but that would make this post geeky to tenth potency!
woah! Almost forgot! "FLCL" is played often in Cartoon Network, but it doesn't have a fixed time, since its only 6 episodes, so just go to and find "shows" and then schedules, or whatever. Sometimes they play them all together in one night, which is good, to keep the crazyness under controle.
While "Full Metal Alchemist" is played Monday thru Thursdays at 1:00 AM (Puerto Rico! Time) And on Saturdays at 11:30 PM.
And Now I'm fucked, because next Saturday 9th two new shows are premiering, and I can't believe I'm going to watch them. One is "Bleach", about a boy who can see souls, and a girl who gives him the powers to keep them at bay. And the other is "Trinity Blood" about vampires, but I don't know more...
Hope you liked. Hope you see them.
I wanted to share this with you, people. Because I want to know who watches these kind of things. I never liked ANIME, you know, japan animation, I stuck with the american neatness. Toy Story, The Lion King, The Justice League, X-men, the classics Tom and Jerry or even classier Bugs Bunny. I didn't like the washed look of many of japanesse animation, I actually hated the messy and "real" way in which it was drawn. But then, came Pokemon, yes, I watched Pokemon. Why? Because it was interesting to see different "animals" have powers and battle, nothing different than the X-men. Pokemon has all japanese in it, the action, the melodrama, and mild violence... and no blood. Then I discovered Samurai Jack, an american show, from a russian creator, (the same guy who created Dexter's Laboratory) with lots of japanese influence! Oh, and even thought I didn't watch it often, I liked it a lot. Again, no blood. Then, my devirgination on Anime continued with the awesomely beautiful movie Spirited Away, so much poetry and vibrance in the drawings, I was... indescribably flabbergasted. So by now my resistance to it was waning. And finally came The Teen Titans, it is american animation japaniziced! If there is such a thing. The bright colors of american, with the abstractness of japanese.
Adultswim in Cartoon Network has corrupted me. I still am not too deep, but I'm going down hard. I was introduced to the series: "FLCL" (pronounced "foolycooly", you figure out what it means, and if you thought of sex, well, it may be). This is actually a miniseries of SIX episodes! My brother was like: "Joel, I think that even YOU would like this series". I don't know how he knew that it would, but he knew! Because I loved it! It is such a fast paced story. There are SO many details that if you look away you may loose, some little things that make the characters alive. And of course, the story! The first episode starts with an girl seducing a younger boy under a bridge. Then the boy narrates: "nothing happens in this town...". And then some weird, even older girl comes in a vespa bike and hits the boy in the head with an electric guitar. What the fuck!? And with that I was hooked. Then things started to sprout from the boys head. The boy falls in love with the girl. The girl uncovers her truth. A robot with an angelic complex. There is always a sexual tension in the atmosphere. And some lots of non-sensical shit that is simply the best characterization. And best of all, the comedy, the music and the beautiful drawings... You must watch it. And I happened to find a video! A comercial from Adultswim. Watch and judge.
This next one, is a montage with a song from the White Stripes, "I fell in love with a girl", but it's not from the show; but still it captures a lot of the crazyness and heart of this show.
Now. There is a second show I want to talk about, because it is the one that finally made me love ANIME. And this show is: Full Metal Alchemist. The same thing happened: "Joel, I think you will like this show". I was like: "Another one!" And, yes, ashamed to accept it, I loved it and I couldn't help it. This is a 52-episode show about two brothers who study alchemy and are trying to find the Philosopher's Stone (if you read Harry Potter you know what it is, kinda). They want it because they're bodies have been displaced. One of the brothers has no body, his soul is embeded into a suit of armor, while the other is missing an arm. How did this happen? Well, it is complicated. The whole show is complicated, is has a very tight plot with scheming political projects; inhuman bad guys whose names are the seven deadly sins; there is a vengeful, scarred guy who kills alchemists in the name of God; full of religious references, and morals; lots of blood; but there is also the subjects of "love above all things" and the rites of passage from boy to man. A very complete series, full of imagery, comedy and tears! you will cry, I'm sure! Gosh! I get goosebumps to even remember. I will leave you with the opening credits, of the second season of this show.
The song is so awesome! And it is a mainstream sounding rock, but the lyrics are quite profound! Just watch the last line of the french subtitles:
"Donne-moi ton corps et ton âme"
"Give me your body and your soul". That's deep. (sort of) (if you are not the creepy kind of people...)
I would translate the whole thing, but that would make this post geeky to tenth potency!
woah! Almost forgot! "FLCL" is played often in Cartoon Network, but it doesn't have a fixed time, since its only 6 episodes, so just go to and find "shows" and then schedules, or whatever. Sometimes they play them all together in one night, which is good, to keep the crazyness under controle.
While "Full Metal Alchemist" is played Monday thru Thursdays at 1:00 AM (Puerto Rico! Time) And on Saturdays at 11:30 PM.
And Now I'm fucked, because next Saturday 9th two new shows are premiering, and I can't believe I'm going to watch them. One is "Bleach", about a boy who can see souls, and a girl who gives him the powers to keep them at bay. And the other is "Trinity Blood" about vampires, but I don't know more...
Hope you liked. Hope you see them.
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Monday, September 04, 2006
The Crocodile Hunter Dies in Freak Accident

The circumstances of his death are very particular and wierd, and rare, but also very true. A crocodile wasn't Irwing's demise, no, it was one the seafloor's most passive animals, a stingray. A stingray? Yes. Stingrays are not deadly.

Rest in Peace.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Beach Night (a chronicle of life)
I was living in Orlando last year (you know this already, I know). One night I came from work, tired, and wearing the most ridiculous uniform that Disney has... I opened the door to my apartment and there is the other Joel, and he says: "change clothes, right now, we're leaving". "Leaving where?". "We're going to the beach". "What?" "Yes, hurry up, Jeremy will pick us up in 10 minutes". But, the thing was that it had been raining for the past three days, and that day was no exception. (The day before, one of our neighbors went outside to play in the rain, Jamie is her name: "Come on Joel, come down and play in the rain", I was like: "Nope, not happening". I don't know why I didn't do it, but I guess I missed it... Although she was freezing later, I didn't miss THAT!). So, anyway, I said to Joel (the other one): "But it's been raining for the past three days!" "Doesn't matter", he said. And so, I changed clothes, packed a small bag, and 10 minutes later we were gone.
Three things you should know for this story to be more... "understandable". One, the beach is like two hours and a half away from Orlando. Two, there were five of us in the trip, and three had to work the day after. Three, it was midnight already.
So, we're on the road. Jeremy drives. Heather is next to him. Catalina next to me, and Joel on her other side. I (still not in the mood to get rained on in the middle of the night, with the freezing air from the ocean, and miles away from the apartment) asked again: "why are we going to the beach?", and one of the girls goes: "we're going to watch the sunrise..." In my mind I was like: "that's cool". And then, my resistance to the whole thing was gone. Why were we going to the beach in a yet-to-be-rainy night? Just because we wanted, because it was a nice way to waste or spend time and it was cool.
So, the girls played a cd from a Pat Benatar (if I remember the name correctly...) I never heard of her (Pat), but some of the songs were familiar, and old! (wikipedia her).
We're on the road, and half way thru, I yell: "Where is everybody!" Because there were no cars in the street, no cars parked on the sides or at the small mall areas, then I remembered, that most of Orlando is country-side, altho they want to think otherwise... But still, even in the country side you have cars on the highway (because we were on a main line), it was deserted, dark, and gloomy, kinda creepy, kinda scary... I may have a picture, let me see. Yes, found the picture... ...
... ... ... I was so surprised, and here I said something like: "In Puerto Rico you will always cars coming and going, and something is always open..."
On the picture:
1. The yellow line of the road lighted dimly by the car in the dark.
2. This light is mysterious, what the hell could it be? Probably some ghost.
3. The edge of the trees like teeth, engulfing the cloudy sky.
4. This is not an UFO, just some photographic shit.
So, after a while in this darkness, in the blindness almost, out of no where Jeremy says: "We're going the wrong way", and Heather: "How do you know?", Jeremy: "I know because we've been going northwest for a while, and the beach is at the northeast, and this road doesn't seem to want to turn that way." Jeremy had a digital compass on his car, I had noticed it since we left the apartments, it was a nice gadget, I would glance at it from time to time, to see the direction we were going. I had also noticed that we had been going the opposite way, but I didn't say anything because I didn't know if the roads just led that way and then turn... But, the problem was that we were on an f-ing highway, and the next exit to turn around was far far far. Eventually we did turn, and went all the way back from where we came, until we reached the right road. Nothing eventful happened. Except, that for the locals, we should have looked like an UDO (instead of UFO) (unidentified driving object) because we were alone in the road, and there were flashes coming from the inside. ET's ship on the dark, deserted road.
Finally we see some civilization, and by civilization I mean electricity! And then, at the first traffic light in miles we experienced the encounter of our lives. The light is green, Jeremy does not slow down, and I, as always, expecting the worst, stiffened in my seat. Jeremy swooshes under the light, and immediately after, a car from hell whooshes behind us from the right. It was a near miss. Or a near collision! "Did you see that?", Joel asks me, and I said "Yes". I don't remember if any of the others noticed... I'm sure they did, and I did mention it...
Anyway, so, for my great relief there was a SevenEleven, and still no beach. We saw a Ron Jon Surf Store. But no beach. We go into the Seveneleven (why is it called like that?) and ask. Remember it is like two or three in the morning, we looked suspicious. But, who doesn't look suspicious at a Seveneleven at that time? We asked for the beach, and the lady said that it was right behind the store. "But we didn't see it". "Because it is on the other side of the big bushes". "ooooh". So, we walk to the bushes. And certainly we see sand. No water. No sound of waves. Jeremy was the brave soul who went into the bushes. I stayed with the rest, in a relatively safe area telling stories about the thirty ways we could die in this place, the most scary one was if a big monstrosity came out from the bushes with a huge chainsaw.
While we waited for Jeremy to come by (which seemed like a very long time, and we started to worry some guy kidnapped him and chopped him into pieces), we found a yellow sign that said: "No camping overnight at the beach". Motherfucker! All the way down there and we couldn't go?! Jeremy eventually emerged from the darkness with a smile, saying that the beach was indeed there. But, we couldn't "camp". So we hopped in the car, and went along side the beach for a place where there was no sign, and more importantly, for a place where there was more light! More electricity!
We found a motel parking. We parked there. We walked to the beach. The sand was wet, of course. We ran. Jeremy slept. We wet our feet. We talked. We walked more. We threw sand. We got tired. We stretched the towels on the ground. We laid there. It was cold. Someone brought a sheet and we shared. We talked more. Jeremy said shut up. We did. For a while. And then, we fell quiet. And Heather fell asleep. Joel almost did. Me and Catalina didn't, but decided that we should. And we set ourselves to sleep. Three minutes later, a drop of water falls on my face. And I can't stop laughing. Heather started laughing too. "It'll pass", Jeremy said from the deeps of his sleeps. But the rain didn't stop. It was light rain, but steady, and it intensified for a while. And we decided to go sleep in the car. We gathered our things. We walked back. We crammed ourselves in the car, somehow and we slept.
It was a good trip. Really. I don't remember much of the return trip. Nothing at all, actually (did I fall asleep?).
We just spent time in the most enjoyable way. It's awesome.
Not one of us saw the sunrise, but it didn't really matter.
Three things you should know for this story to be more... "understandable". One, the beach is like two hours and a half away from Orlando. Two, there were five of us in the trip, and three had to work the day after. Three, it was midnight already.
So, we're on the road. Jeremy drives. Heather is next to him. Catalina next to me, and Joel on her other side. I (still not in the mood to get rained on in the middle of the night, with the freezing air from the ocean, and miles away from the apartment) asked again: "why are we going to the beach?", and one of the girls goes: "we're going to watch the sunrise..." In my mind I was like: "that's cool". And then, my resistance to the whole thing was gone. Why were we going to the beach in a yet-to-be-rainy night? Just because we wanted, because it was a nice way to waste or spend time and it was cool.
So, the girls played a cd from a Pat Benatar (if I remember the name correctly...) I never heard of her (Pat), but some of the songs were familiar, and old! (wikipedia her).
We're on the road, and half way thru, I yell: "Where is everybody!" Because there were no cars in the street, no cars parked on the sides or at the small mall areas, then I remembered, that most of Orlando is country-side, altho they want to think otherwise... But still, even in the country side you have cars on the highway (because we were on a main line), it was deserted, dark, and gloomy, kinda creepy, kinda scary... I may have a picture, let me see. Yes, found the picture... ...

On the picture:

1. The yellow line of the road lighted dimly by the car in the dark.
2. This light is mysterious, what the hell could it be? Probably some ghost.
3. The edge of the trees like teeth, engulfing the cloudy sky.
4. This is not an UFO, just some photographic shit.
So, after a while in this darkness, in the blindness almost, out of no where Jeremy says: "We're going the wrong way", and Heather: "How do you know?", Jeremy: "I know because we've been going northwest for a while, and the beach is at the northeast, and this road doesn't seem to want to turn that way." Jeremy had a digital compass on his car, I had noticed it since we left the apartments, it was a nice gadget, I would glance at it from time to time, to see the direction we were going. I had also noticed that we had been going the opposite way, but I didn't say anything because I didn't know if the roads just led that way and then turn... But, the problem was that we were on an f-ing highway, and the next exit to turn around was far far far. Eventually we did turn, and went all the way back from where we came, until we reached the right road. Nothing eventful happened. Except, that for the locals, we should have looked like an UDO (instead of UFO) (unidentified driving object) because we were alone in the road, and there were flashes coming from the inside. ET's ship on the dark, deserted road.
Finally we see some civilization, and by civilization I mean electricity! And then, at the first traffic light in miles we experienced the encounter of our lives. The light is green, Jeremy does not slow down, and I, as always, expecting the worst, stiffened in my seat. Jeremy swooshes under the light, and immediately after, a car from hell whooshes behind us from the right. It was a near miss. Or a near collision! "Did you see that?", Joel asks me, and I said "Yes". I don't remember if any of the others noticed... I'm sure they did, and I did mention it...
Anyway, so, for my great relief there was a SevenEleven, and still no beach. We saw a Ron Jon Surf Store. But no beach. We go into the Seveneleven (why is it called like that?) and ask. Remember it is like two or three in the morning, we looked suspicious. But, who doesn't look suspicious at a Seveneleven at that time? We asked for the beach, and the lady said that it was right behind the store. "But we didn't see it". "Because it is on the other side of the big bushes". "ooooh". So, we walk to the bushes. And certainly we see sand. No water. No sound of waves. Jeremy was the brave soul who went into the bushes. I stayed with the rest, in a relatively safe area telling stories about the thirty ways we could die in this place, the most scary one was if a big monstrosity came out from the bushes with a huge chainsaw.
While we waited for Jeremy to come by (which seemed like a very long time, and we started to worry some guy kidnapped him and chopped him into pieces), we found a yellow sign that said: "No camping overnight at the beach". Motherfucker! All the way down there and we couldn't go?! Jeremy eventually emerged from the darkness with a smile, saying that the beach was indeed there. But, we couldn't "camp". So we hopped in the car, and went along side the beach for a place where there was no sign, and more importantly, for a place where there was more light! More electricity!
We found a motel parking. We parked there. We walked to the beach. The sand was wet, of course. We ran. Jeremy slept. We wet our feet. We talked. We walked more. We threw sand. We got tired. We stretched the towels on the ground. We laid there. It was cold. Someone brought a sheet and we shared. We talked more. Jeremy said shut up. We did. For a while. And then, we fell quiet. And Heather fell asleep. Joel almost did. Me and Catalina didn't, but decided that we should. And we set ourselves to sleep. Three minutes later, a drop of water falls on my face. And I can't stop laughing. Heather started laughing too. "It'll pass", Jeremy said from the deeps of his sleeps. But the rain didn't stop. It was light rain, but steady, and it intensified for a while. And we decided to go sleep in the car. We gathered our things. We walked back. We crammed ourselves in the car, somehow and we slept.
It was a good trip. Really. I don't remember much of the return trip. Nothing at all, actually (did I fall asleep?).
We just spent time in the most enjoyable way. It's awesome.
Not one of us saw the sunrise, but it didn't really matter.
Friday, September 01, 2006
I'm Feeling Testy or Hundred and sixty questions
I'm feeling testy, so I've compiled a lot of tests and surveys that lots of people do, and so it came down to this huge post.
Starting with this test, directly (or copied) from I usually don't post these tests, but today I will make an exception. Because... well, you'll see why. haha
Joel's Self-esteem is +368590 right now!
Now, to the hugeamongous survey!
1. Are you in a relationship?
2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
don't know. probably. let me think... I truly despise two people, as of today, not counting the people I see on TV.
3. How many houses have you lived in?
In three. The first one I don't remember... (but I know it was there).
4. What is your favorite candy bar?
Twix, and Snickers
5. What are your favorite shoes?
I don't have a favorite. I use the leather "bodrogos" when it rains, because they dont let the water into my feet. And I use the "fabric" ones when it is sunny and I need to walk a lot.
6. Have you ever tripped someone?
7. Favorite summer trip this year?
This year? this Summer? Well, no trips this summer. But the previous summer I was in Florida, and then New York.
8. Do you like marmite?
Don't know what the hell that is.
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
I did. when she was pretty. A loooooong time ago. Dark ages.
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?
Yes. At school. I was really really sick, and the bathroom was on the other end of the school, so there was a trail of vomit. I even threw up out the window (and the windows were not the kind where you could stick your head thru, they were miamis)
11. Name someone that's always on your mind.
Can't name the name. It is confidential.
12. What is your favorite music genre?
Rock (soft, or alternative, or good experimental)
13. On a scale of 1-10, how fit is your mum?
like 4
14. What time were you born?
Didn't have a watch, sorry, but it was probably dark.
15. Do you like beer?
Not really.
16. Have you ever made a prank call?
Hmm. I guess... not. No I haven't. I dont like the phone.
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Britney Spears, as I said before, dark ages, it is lost somewhere in the piles of junk in my house.
18. Are you sarcastic?
19. what is your favorite color?
dark blue, or yellow
20. How many watches do you own?
21. Whats your favourite band/group/artist?
so many. Celine Dion is on the top. Then The killers, Gorillaz... just look at my profile... ok
22. Spring or fall?
We don't get a great difference between spring or fall in Puerto Rico... but i guess I like fall.
23. What is your favorite color to wear?
Dark blue Jeans, and yellow shirts!
24. Pepsi or Sprite?
hard... Pepsi. no. Sprite... cant decide.
25. What color is your cell phone?
grey and a weird matte blue
26. Wheres your second home?
Disney! :(
27. Have you ever slapped someone?
Yep. In a non-confrontational way. If there's such a thing.
28. Have you ever had a cavity?
Yes. Like three.
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?
There are actually three, but they're the same lamp, it just divides in three, one's missing a bulb
30. How many video games do you own?
dang, i dont keep count... like 7 for gamecube, 3 for ps2, and not to mention the ones my brother buys, or the ones of previous consoles...
31. What was your first pet?
i had fish, a rooster, and a rabbit. dont remember which came first.
32. Name the weirdest place you had dinner this summer?
Japanesse restaurant at the mall i guess
33. Do looks matter?
oh yeah
34. Errrrr?
35. Bush or Blair?
I Don't really bother. I dont even know.
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
Don't know. abercrombie has good posters tho
37. You ever been crowd surfing?
What's this? When people carry you in concerts? no, i havent
38. How many children do you want?
one or two
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Not yet.
40. What is your favorite breakfast?
Scrambled eggs with cheese and ketchup, with toast and butter on the side, and a glass of orange juice.
41. Do you own a gun?
42. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna Sandwich.
43. When was the last time you cried?
Don't remember. But it wasnt too long ago.
44. What did you do three nights ago?
lets see, today is monday, so I was at yoma's.
45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Dang. It was last December, when I was in Las Vegas, I was invited (thanks). There are no Olive Gardens in Puerto Rico :( and it is the best restaurant in the world
46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
NO! haha
47. Do you own more than 3 pairs of shoes?
I think so... I have five... do sandals and rollerblades count? if not, then its three.
48. What are your nicknames?
Jojo, Jo, Joel, buki, hey you, bastard, mira nene...
49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?
I wish!
50. Have you ever been to Kansas?
I dont think i yearn kansas as dorothy did
51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
Yes. Don't know what though.
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
well, I wasn't until this question came up... then I remembered question number 11.
53. Have you ever called someone Boo?
Well, the ghosts in Super Mario, of course!
54. Do you smoke?
Do not.
55. Do you own a diamond ring?
No. dont like them
56. Are you happy with your life right now?
I'll be happier tomorrow when school starts
57. Do you dye your hair?
No. That shit smells.
58. Does anyone like you?
Yes. But you should ask them
59. Who's your best friend(s)?
60. What were you doing May 10 of 1994?
I probably was finishing some test in the seventh grade at La Central (memories *sniff*), and getting ready for summer vacation
61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
No. I bought one for my sister. It is also lost in the heaps of junk.
62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
WENDY'S!!!! eeeeeverytime
63. Do you like yourself?
Only my feet, penis and hair.
64. Do you think you are attractive?
65. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex?
Eyes and navel
66. Are you afraid of the dark?
When I dont know where the fuck i am.
68. Do you have a webcam?
why do you want to know? yes.
69. Have you ever stripped?
to take a shower, yes
70. What are you looking forward to the most this week?
School start!!!
71. Right Handed or Left Handed:
72.The Shoes You Wore Today:
i was home, so, sandals, never barefoot
73. Your Weakness:
74. Your Fears:
unacomplishment, "forgotenness", abandonment
75.Your Perfect Pizza:
double cheese, meat and pineapple!
76. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
Get enough money to travel next summer, and to finish the trimester
77. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:
"ok" or "qué emoción".
78. Thoughts First Waking Up:
"What time is it?". then I check, and if it's too early i say: "it's too early".
79. Your Best Physical Feature:
my feet
80. Do you believe in yourself:
Yes. Most times.
81. Do you get Motion Sickness:
Not on rollercoasters, nor on boats. But if you spin or shake me long enough i will.
82. In the past month have you gone to the Mall:
Yes. Like twice. And soon I'll be there eeeveryday.
83. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:
Nop. But I've had boxes of other cookies...
84. In the past month have you eaten Sushi:
Actually, I have. Japanesse restaurant. I had "eel" and "california roll".
85. In the past month have you been on Stage:
86. Are you a Health Freak:
not at all... although i've tried too... in this house it's hard to be healthy
87. Are you Attractive:
Again! Gosh, I said, sometimes!
88. Do you like Thunderstorms:
YES BABY! Thunderstorms, and hurricanes... the best ever...
89. Do you play an Instrument:
I would love to. Violin or piano.
90. Ever Shoplifted?:
91. How do you want to Die:
I donT!
92. What do you want to be when you Grow Up:
Oh gosh. writer.
93. What country would you most like to Visit:
Japan! and/or France!
94. Your Bedtime:
it is 3:30AM right now... so check back when this questionaire is over.
95. Your Most Missed Memory:
96. Pepsi or Coke:
This is easier than pepsi-sprite... I'll choose Pepsi over Coke everytime...
97. MacDonalds or Burger King:
98. Number of Drugs you have taken:
Legal or illegal? In my lifetime or recently? you have to specify these things... I havent done illegals anyway... altho pot does smells like shit!
99. Number of CD's you own:
Gosh! 75? + 25DVDs
100. Number of Piercings:
None. dios me libre.
101. Number of Tattoos:
none. may god free me of these too (literally translated saying)
102. Number of things in your Past that you Regret:
like 4
103. What do you regret:
Not keeping in touch. Not taking an oportunity.
104. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
105. Chocolate or Vanilla:
Vanilla Ice Cream And Chocolate Milk, not the other way around.
do I have to? suburbs, behind the cemetery. everybody: woooo
El Huerto de mi amada, (Alfredo Bryce Echenique). Next is The Dark Tower IV (Stephen King).
The logo of my new university. Hey, it was free, ok!
The moment you have to leave someone you love for whatever reason.
Scary when ur in line. Awesome when your on. Electrifiying when you get off.
I wait until someone gets it. oh! you mean cellphone... then as long as it takes to get it out of my pocket.
Daniel for boy. Sofía for girl
rice, beans, good cornbeef, corn, amarillos (sweet fried plantains). OR a medium well sirloin steak with potato salad (the one I make). OR cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory in Disney Quest... ooh my god...
I was told that I did.
no, but with three pillows.
I haven't owned one yet.
Too tired to think.
Limoncillo (rum lemonade). i cant remember the other one... but the sweeter the better. (wooh! just remembered, malibu with pineapple juice, it's like candy!)
if they are really soft and buttery.
Turist! and go everywhere! or tour guide! haha
You shoulda asked that when u asked "you dye your hair?"! anyway, if it doesn't smell, i would do blue, bright sky blue, just for fun.
Again, look at the profile! but, just a taste: The Green Mile, Lord of the Rings, The Others...
Yes! envy me!
lots and lots of dust, and maybe some spiders too.
number 2
Gymnastics and volleyball
130.What sports did you play in highschool?
Bad volleyball
131. Are you a party animal?:
not really. but if u make me... (si me cucas)
132. Ever skip school (at highschool)?
I skipped classes. that's hard to do...
133. Were you a nerd?
I was part of an elite group I (we) liked to call "the antisocials". I don't know if I was a nerd. A dork, yes. A nerd i dont know.
134. Did you admire your homecoming king?
We dont have that. (at least we didnt).
135. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Nop. I was about to, because my hair was too long... (yeah, i was a rebel)
136. Who was your favorite teacher?
Art teacher. He was the greatest guy.
137. What was your favorite class?
Art and Math. reeeally good at math. and Art is self-explanatory by the previous question.
138. What was your school's full name?:
Escuela Central de Artes Visuales
139. School mascot?
Hmm, a caveman?, no wait, it was a Viking!
140. Did you go to Prom?
Yes! One of the best and saddest nights.
141. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
142. What do you remember most about graduation (highschool)?
OH, a very beatiful picture where I and all of my friends are in and there is a newborn baby carried by one of us in the middle.
143. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
Lazing on the hallway floors during lunch.
144. Where did you go most often for lunch?
We couldn't get out of school, so we had to go to the "comedor" (dining room) which always gave us food. (most of the times it was actually good).
145. What did you do after graduation?
I took a friend home, and went home... I should have stayed in that hotel, damn it!
146. When did you graduate highschool?
147. Where are most of your classmates?
I don't know. My closest friends are all doing ok. The rest...
148. Are you going to your ten year reunion?
If there is one... probably... i dont know
149. Who was your home room teacher?
History. I forget her name
150. Cappuccino or Coffee:
151. Do you Swear:
NO! Damn it!
152. Do you Sing:
I've been told that I sing good...
153. Do you Shower Daily:
erm... sometimes me las apunto... but only if the day has been not-hot
154. Do you collect something?:
Yes, bionicles
155. Have you had surgery:
my tonsils, but i dont remember, so answer is no.
156. Do you go to the beach at night:
yes!, it is the best time to go
157. Why do you keep answering these questions?:
Because! i was told by a higher being.
158. Favorite day of the week:
Wednesday, because its hard to write
159. What time is it? and at what time did you start answering?
Well, today is thursday, and I started this on monday... so this answer may not work: 2:48Am
160. Who will repost this after you?
The Hell should I know! Someone with lots of balls. I've compiled a monster! its fucking ridiculous!
Starting with this test, directly (or copied) from I usually don't post these tests, but today I will make an exception. Because... well, you'll see why. haha
Your Brain's Pattern |
Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly. You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions. And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring. It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world! |
Joel's Self-esteem is +368590 right now!
Now, to the hugeamongous survey!
1. Are you in a relationship?
2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
don't know. probably. let me think... I truly despise two people, as of today, not counting the people I see on TV.
3. How many houses have you lived in?
In three. The first one I don't remember... (but I know it was there).
4. What is your favorite candy bar?
Twix, and Snickers
5. What are your favorite shoes?
I don't have a favorite. I use the leather "bodrogos" when it rains, because they dont let the water into my feet. And I use the "fabric" ones when it is sunny and I need to walk a lot.
6. Have you ever tripped someone?
7. Favorite summer trip this year?
This year? this Summer? Well, no trips this summer. But the previous summer I was in Florida, and then New York.
8. Do you like marmite?
Don't know what the hell that is.
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
I did. when she was pretty. A loooooong time ago. Dark ages.
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?
Yes. At school. I was really really sick, and the bathroom was on the other end of the school, so there was a trail of vomit. I even threw up out the window (and the windows were not the kind where you could stick your head thru, they were miamis)
11. Name someone that's always on your mind.
Can't name the name. It is confidential.
12. What is your favorite music genre?
Rock (soft, or alternative, or good experimental)
13. On a scale of 1-10, how fit is your mum?
like 4
14. What time were you born?
Didn't have a watch, sorry, but it was probably dark.
15. Do you like beer?
Not really.
16. Have you ever made a prank call?
Hmm. I guess... not. No I haven't. I dont like the phone.
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Britney Spears, as I said before, dark ages, it is lost somewhere in the piles of junk in my house.
18. Are you sarcastic?
19. what is your favorite color?
dark blue, or yellow
20. How many watches do you own?
21. Whats your favourite band/group/artist?
so many. Celine Dion is on the top. Then The killers, Gorillaz... just look at my profile... ok
22. Spring or fall?
We don't get a great difference between spring or fall in Puerto Rico... but i guess I like fall.
23. What is your favorite color to wear?
Dark blue Jeans, and yellow shirts!
24. Pepsi or Sprite?
hard... Pepsi. no. Sprite... cant decide.
25. What color is your cell phone?
grey and a weird matte blue
26. Wheres your second home?
Disney! :(
27. Have you ever slapped someone?
Yep. In a non-confrontational way. If there's such a thing.
28. Have you ever had a cavity?
Yes. Like three.
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?
There are actually three, but they're the same lamp, it just divides in three, one's missing a bulb
30. How many video games do you own?
dang, i dont keep count... like 7 for gamecube, 3 for ps2, and not to mention the ones my brother buys, or the ones of previous consoles...
31. What was your first pet?
i had fish, a rooster, and a rabbit. dont remember which came first.
32. Name the weirdest place you had dinner this summer?
Japanesse restaurant at the mall i guess
33. Do looks matter?
oh yeah
34. Errrrr?
35. Bush or Blair?
I Don't really bother. I dont even know.
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
Don't know. abercrombie has good posters tho
37. You ever been crowd surfing?
What's this? When people carry you in concerts? no, i havent
38. How many children do you want?
one or two
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Not yet.
40. What is your favorite breakfast?
Scrambled eggs with cheese and ketchup, with toast and butter on the side, and a glass of orange juice.
41. Do you own a gun?
42. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna Sandwich.
43. When was the last time you cried?
Don't remember. But it wasnt too long ago.
44. What did you do three nights ago?
lets see, today is monday, so I was at yoma's.
45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Dang. It was last December, when I was in Las Vegas, I was invited (thanks). There are no Olive Gardens in Puerto Rico :( and it is the best restaurant in the world
46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
NO! haha
47. Do you own more than 3 pairs of shoes?
I think so... I have five... do sandals and rollerblades count? if not, then its three.
48. What are your nicknames?
Jojo, Jo, Joel, buki, hey you, bastard, mira nene...
49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?
I wish!
50. Have you ever been to Kansas?
I dont think i yearn kansas as dorothy did
51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
Yes. Don't know what though.
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
well, I wasn't until this question came up... then I remembered question number 11.
53. Have you ever called someone Boo?
Well, the ghosts in Super Mario, of course!
54. Do you smoke?
Do not.
55. Do you own a diamond ring?
No. dont like them
56. Are you happy with your life right now?
I'll be happier tomorrow when school starts
57. Do you dye your hair?
No. That shit smells.
58. Does anyone like you?
Yes. But you should ask them
59. Who's your best friend(s)?
60. What were you doing May 10 of 1994?
I probably was finishing some test in the seventh grade at La Central (memories *sniff*), and getting ready for summer vacation
61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
No. I bought one for my sister. It is also lost in the heaps of junk.
62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
WENDY'S!!!! eeeeeverytime
63. Do you like yourself?
Only my feet, penis and hair.
64. Do you think you are attractive?
65. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex?
Eyes and navel
66. Are you afraid of the dark?
When I dont know where the fuck i am.
68. Do you have a webcam?
why do you want to know? yes.
69. Have you ever stripped?
to take a shower, yes
70. What are you looking forward to the most this week?
School start!!!
71. Right Handed or Left Handed:
72.The Shoes You Wore Today:
i was home, so, sandals, never barefoot
73. Your Weakness:
74. Your Fears:
unacomplishment, "forgotenness", abandonment
75.Your Perfect Pizza:
double cheese, meat and pineapple!
76. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
Get enough money to travel next summer, and to finish the trimester
77. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:
"ok" or "qué emoción".
78. Thoughts First Waking Up:
"What time is it?". then I check, and if it's too early i say: "it's too early".
79. Your Best Physical Feature:
my feet
80. Do you believe in yourself:
Yes. Most times.
81. Do you get Motion Sickness:
Not on rollercoasters, nor on boats. But if you spin or shake me long enough i will.
82. In the past month have you gone to the Mall:
Yes. Like twice. And soon I'll be there eeeveryday.
83. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:
Nop. But I've had boxes of other cookies...
84. In the past month have you eaten Sushi:
Actually, I have. Japanesse restaurant. I had "eel" and "california roll".
85. In the past month have you been on Stage:
86. Are you a Health Freak:
not at all... although i've tried too... in this house it's hard to be healthy
87. Are you Attractive:
Again! Gosh, I said, sometimes!
88. Do you like Thunderstorms:
YES BABY! Thunderstorms, and hurricanes... the best ever...
89. Do you play an Instrument:
I would love to. Violin or piano.
90. Ever Shoplifted?:
91. How do you want to Die:
I donT!
92. What do you want to be when you Grow Up:
Oh gosh. writer.
93. What country would you most like to Visit:
Japan! and/or France!
94. Your Bedtime:
it is 3:30AM right now... so check back when this questionaire is over.
95. Your Most Missed Memory:
96. Pepsi or Coke:
This is easier than pepsi-sprite... I'll choose Pepsi over Coke everytime...
97. MacDonalds or Burger King:
98. Number of Drugs you have taken:
Legal or illegal? In my lifetime or recently? you have to specify these things... I havent done illegals anyway... altho pot does smells like shit!
99. Number of CD's you own:
Gosh! 75? + 25DVDs
100. Number of Piercings:
None. dios me libre.
101. Number of Tattoos:
none. may god free me of these too (literally translated saying)
102. Number of things in your Past that you Regret:
like 4
103. What do you regret:
Not keeping in touch. Not taking an oportunity.
104. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
105. Chocolate or Vanilla:
Vanilla Ice Cream And Chocolate Milk, not the other way around.
do I have to? suburbs, behind the cemetery. everybody: woooo
El Huerto de mi amada, (Alfredo Bryce Echenique). Next is The Dark Tower IV (Stephen King).
The logo of my new university. Hey, it was free, ok!
The moment you have to leave someone you love for whatever reason.
Scary when ur in line. Awesome when your on. Electrifiying when you get off.
I wait until someone gets it. oh! you mean cellphone... then as long as it takes to get it out of my pocket.
Daniel for boy. Sofía for girl
rice, beans, good cornbeef, corn, amarillos (sweet fried plantains). OR a medium well sirloin steak with potato salad (the one I make). OR cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory in Disney Quest... ooh my god...
I was told that I did.
no, but with three pillows.
I haven't owned one yet.
Too tired to think.
Limoncillo (rum lemonade). i cant remember the other one... but the sweeter the better. (wooh! just remembered, malibu with pineapple juice, it's like candy!)
if they are really soft and buttery.
Turist! and go everywhere! or tour guide! haha
You shoulda asked that when u asked "you dye your hair?"! anyway, if it doesn't smell, i would do blue, bright sky blue, just for fun.
Again, look at the profile! but, just a taste: The Green Mile, Lord of the Rings, The Others...
Yes! envy me!
lots and lots of dust, and maybe some spiders too.
number 2
Gymnastics and volleyball
130.What sports did you play in highschool?
Bad volleyball
131. Are you a party animal?:
not really. but if u make me... (si me cucas)
132. Ever skip school (at highschool)?
I skipped classes. that's hard to do...
133. Were you a nerd?
I was part of an elite group I (we) liked to call "the antisocials". I don't know if I was a nerd. A dork, yes. A nerd i dont know.
134. Did you admire your homecoming king?
We dont have that. (at least we didnt).
135. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Nop. I was about to, because my hair was too long... (yeah, i was a rebel)
136. Who was your favorite teacher?
Art teacher. He was the greatest guy.
137. What was your favorite class?
Art and Math. reeeally good at math. and Art is self-explanatory by the previous question.
138. What was your school's full name?:
Escuela Central de Artes Visuales
139. School mascot?
Hmm, a caveman?, no wait, it was a Viking!
140. Did you go to Prom?
Yes! One of the best and saddest nights.
141. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
142. What do you remember most about graduation (highschool)?
OH, a very beatiful picture where I and all of my friends are in and there is a newborn baby carried by one of us in the middle.
143. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
Lazing on the hallway floors during lunch.
144. Where did you go most often for lunch?
We couldn't get out of school, so we had to go to the "comedor" (dining room) which always gave us food. (most of the times it was actually good).
145. What did you do after graduation?
I took a friend home, and went home... I should have stayed in that hotel, damn it!
146. When did you graduate highschool?
147. Where are most of your classmates?
I don't know. My closest friends are all doing ok. The rest...
148. Are you going to your ten year reunion?
If there is one... probably... i dont know
149. Who was your home room teacher?
History. I forget her name
150. Cappuccino or Coffee:
151. Do you Swear:
NO! Damn it!
152. Do you Sing:
I've been told that I sing good...
153. Do you Shower Daily:
erm... sometimes me las apunto... but only if the day has been not-hot
154. Do you collect something?:
Yes, bionicles
155. Have you had surgery:
my tonsils, but i dont remember, so answer is no.
156. Do you go to the beach at night:
yes!, it is the best time to go
157. Why do you keep answering these questions?:
Because! i was told by a higher being.
158. Favorite day of the week:
Wednesday, because its hard to write
159. What time is it? and at what time did you start answering?
Well, today is thursday, and I started this on monday... so this answer may not work: 2:48Am
160. Who will repost this after you?
The Hell should I know! Someone with lots of balls. I've compiled a monster! its fucking ridiculous!
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