Sunday, July 16, 2006

The opposite of love

El otro día estaba mirando la televisión y escuché:

"Lo opuesto del amor no es el odio, es la indiferencia."

¿Será verdad?

Watching tv the other day I heard:

"The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference".

Would that be true?


Narami said...

No, I don't think so.

You can pay attention to someone and not love them... isn't the opposite of being indeferent to something to pay attention to it?
I think they mean it in a way were you know you don't love someone cuando te da igual (la persona, lo que hace...).

It makes sense here in my little head and I don't think so.

Kahlúa Macarena said...

no sé qué será el opuesto, pero el peor enemigo del amor es la mentira...