And it may sound kind of silly: "having one's head full of Someone", but that is exactly what happens. You wake up every morning and your head reminds you of THAT specific someone, called Someone. And when you are taking a shower your head suddenly says to you: "what would happen if Someone were here under this falling water right now?". Or when you are reading, your head keeps bothering you, keeps shaking your shoulders trying to get your attention just to say: "I'm sure Someone would like that" or "I wonder what Someone would think about this image in this book". And when you eat you think of Someone, and the sounds Someone would make as Someone chewed wholly-frosted flakes. Or when you are watching a movie, or a tv-show and you head nags at you saying: "Someone would reeeeallly like that, oh yes". Or when you are riding the bus/train, or driving your car, and your head dangerously distracts you with: "Wouldn't you wish Someone was sitting right there?", and you head points to the seat next to you. How can anyone live with Someone filling your head ALL the time?! HOW. Someone tell me how to get Someone out of this head. It is supermegarchi overwhelmingly huge to... keep!
i think you have a crush on someone... ;o) in that case, that someone will inhabit your head indefinitely...
I know
MAN! you tell ME.
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