Wednesday, November 07, 2007


In March I attended to a book presentation with the guys from school. When it was all over we stayed to chat (and to drink the glorious wine!). Somehow the conversation swerved onto the subjects of mysticism and numerology and the author of the book, her name is Aurora, raised her voice from wherever she was and said: "I heard you talking about numerology". She then explained that she knew a little about it and then asked me for my date of birth, and I told her, and then she said: "in the next three years you are going to mature"... I am very impressionable, and I haven't forgotten her exact words, the exact moment, nor my reaction, and now, one week away from my day of birth, I think I can see what she was talking about.


Iva said...

y cuál es tu número? yo soy 5.

J O E L said...

pues la verdad no me acuerdo... cómo se saca eso?

Iva said...

sumas todos los numeros de tu fecha de cumpleanhos. ej.
5 es tu numero de vida o life path number. indica el camino que vas a seguir.