Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Yes. I am soooo eff-ing angry right now. I tried to open a Myspace page/account and it is so fucking ridiculous all the shit that you have to go thru just to post a motherfucking post in the blog. ARGH. Gosh! Also, I edited the stupid profile area and when I click "save" it saves, BUT when I came back to the original page (which took me eight thousand hours to find in the first place) the edits were not there. A lost hour there. Thankfully tho, I found some people, but I still have to learn how to add them. I HATE MYSPACE. OH MY GOD! I HATE IT. Hopefully in time I will come to cherish it for what it is, and not for what it looks like (or the prehistorically archaic ways in which it operates). Ok. I'll vent. Breath. Ok. Now, type the address on the search bar, hit "enter". If things go well, no more posts... but if I get frustrated Hell will fall (or burst) into Earth.