Monday, October 31, 2005

A Great and Horrific Song for Halloween

This is a very-hard-to-translate song... With that said, I have to warn this is a guerilla translation, done on the spot, yes, I know it is irresponsible but... hmm... I don't really care.

You may find the song at your nearest P2P program or music store... So that you can listen to how awesomely gruesome this song is. And catchy. Its not the best song of the band, but it stands out, at least to me.

The song was written by Mexican band: Café Tacuba, pretty much and probably (redundant?) the best punk-rock-alternative-folkloric band ever in the history of Mexico and Latin America, famous for reinventing themselves often and for their very original lyrics and sounds.

But first, some language barriers...
The song is called:

Alarmala de tos.

"Alarmala" can mean many things, if it had an accent (alármala) it would translate into "alarm her". But it doesn't have it. So it might be a weird (but totally possible) conjugation that means: "he/she alarmed her". The whole song uses that weird conjugation so... Although the correct conjugation would be "alarmola". So I don't know.

Then it says: "de tos", which is "of the cough". Yes, I was like that too: "he/she alarmed her of the cough"? What the hell? Something like "she warned her of a disease"? But it doesn't make sense in the song. On the other hand: "tos" can also be short for "todos" which is "all". So that would say: "alarmed her of all"; "all" meaning "a lot of people". That one translation would be the best, altho I will use it "alarm her of all" because in the present tense it just makes more sense as compared to the rest of the song. If you say "alarmed her" it implies someone did warn her of something but the song doesn't say...

No further ado

Alarmala de Tos/Alarm her of all

por Café Tacuba

La Lola paciente mendigaba,/The Lola patiently bummed
sufría, su jefe la obligaba,/she suffered, her father made her,
con ella sacaba buena lana./he gets good money with her,
La pobre era jorobada./The poor girl had a hump.

Su madre le metía el talón,/Her mother stepped on her,
era perversa y de mal corazón./she was mean, and cold harted.

Su hermano vivia en el reventón,/Her brother lived his life to party
él era el filo, amante de un panzón./he was the lover of some fat panzy.

Ese día, pasaba normalmente,/That day was passing normally
cuando su padre atacola de repente,/when her father attacked her unexpectedly
violola con un deseo demente,/he raped her with a demential desire
y ella quizo morirse en ese instante./and she wanted to die in that instant.

Mató a su padre cuando este la seguía,/She killed her father when he followed her
mientras su madre con su hermano le ponía,/while her mother put her brother against her
pensó que ayuda jamás encontraría,/she thought that help would never find her
hasta que al fin, halló un policía./until at last, she found a police man.

Alarma, alarmala de tos,/Alarm, alarm her of all
uno, dos, tres, /one, two, three
patada y cos. /a kick and more*

La Lola su historia lloró,/The Lola her story moaned
auxilio al "tira" imploró,/help to the cop she groaned
el "azul" sonriendo la miró.../the "blue" watched and smiled...

¿qué creen que fue lo que pasooo?/what do you think happened neeeext?

Siguiola, jalola, atacola, golpeola, pateola, escupiola, tirola, violola /He followed, he pulled, he attacked, he punched, he kicked, he spat, he threw, he raped her.(X2)

Siguiola, jalola, atacola, golpeola, pateola, escupiola, tirola, matolaaaa.../He followed, he pulled, he attaked, he punched, he kicked, he spat, he threw, he killed heeeer...

Con una pistola./With a pistol.

Alarma, alarmala de tos/Alarm, alarm her of all
uno, dos, tres,/one, two, three
patada y cos./a kick and more*



*"cos", I don't know what the hell "cos" means, and I couldn't find it in the dictionary, so it must be short for an odd Mexican word that I don't know, if anybody knows, please enligthen me. And again, that chorus is what I chose it to mean, or what I can understand or draw from it... if you have info on this, again: turn my brain-lights on.

On another note, I'm proud of me. I translated that and it even rhymes a bit in English.

Do you think that song is horrible? Perfect for Halloween? I think it is. It is also funny and peculiar to find it in a song. You should find it and hear it. If you do, and if you like it, and you would like more, then you should also find: "Las Flores", a simple, short, funny, beautiful, and very comprehensible song (unlike the one above), that one is my favorite yet. I might post, and translate it one day.

Ok, I'll see you.
Don't eat too much candy, it gives you cavities and makes you fat.
For now...
Happy Hallowennie.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thought of the Month / Pensamiento del Mes

Qué bueno es hacer cosas solamente por el simple hecho de hacerlas. Hacer cosas sin sentido, o que no tienen ningún propósito. Qué bueno es hacerlas, y es muchísimo mejor cuando las haces acompañado.

How awesome is it to do things just for the heck of doing them. To do nonsensical things, or things with no purpose. How awesome is to do them, and better yet to do them with the company of someone else.

(This thought was inspired by the beautiful memories of a friend, who melancholically remembers the past. Who doesn't remember the past with yearning?)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

And the time turns

It is 2:30 AM. At some point right now, the world spins a little slower to make the United States fall back an hour.

How does this happen? I don't know. It is an event that occurs there. Maybe there is some old guy living in an old lighthouse at the center of the country, where there is this huge clock on top and the old guy climbs the steps to hold the clock's hands. This man has survived death many times, because by stopping the hands of the clock he opens an invisible fold in the mainframe of this existence where, if he were to fall inside, he would be trapped in a space and time that doesn't move, doesn't age and doesn't change. "Sometimes it doesn't sound bad", he thinks, but he knows better....

Friday, October 28, 2005

First JIP: Why dogs dont like it when you blow on their faces.

Joel's Interactive Program production...

Why Dogs Don't Like It When You Blow On Their Faces.





a dog.

Based on an idea by goody

Dogs. I wonder what's it like to have a dog. A dog is not a bird. I've only had birds as pets, and fish... and once a turtle. But they are not dogs. Dogs have a tendency to act like people, they could become good friends. Turtles don't care about you, they just want to eat. Fish... you can't really caress a fish (although I did try!). And birds, they are lovable and caresable, and they do click and sing to you and sometimes even poke your skin with their beaks, but they are so fragile... they are just not a dog.

Right now I don't want a dog. There is no space in this house to have one. And he would be making all kind of messes. But I would like one sometime. To blow on his face and see how it frowns and grimaces, like a baby tasting something sour.

But why dogs don't like it? I don't know. Probably because when you blow you are exhaling CO2 and you might actually be taking his breath for a while... Who knows. I've blown on my birds and they shake their heads furiously for one microsecond. How did I come up with this explanation? Well, have you put your face in a really really really fast fan? Or have you taken your head out of the car window while still in motion? Don't you kinda loose your breath? Its like, so much is getting in that you can't exhale what you have inside. Well, I guess its the same principle. Hmm. I might be onto something. I might win a nobel prize for this deduction. Or I might have just guessed something that had been previously discussed, and I didn't know...

Oh well, I'll update whenever I get a dog. (you might want to sit down for that...)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I introduce to you: Joel

Hello. I introduce to you: Joel, he is my other me. And remember that I am Joel too. He was on a trip in the French Islands, he has come back with a nasty sun tan (no, it doesn't look right, it's not a nice looking smooth brown, no, its more like a stretched, toasted, roasted nut).

I noticed that he came back because he started to talk to me when I was writing an email today. Yes, I noticed. I didn't see him leave, and I didn't find the note he said that he left me telling me that he went on vacation. And I didn't see him enter, he just started talking to me, as if no time had passed. As if I was going to accept the fact that he abandoned me! The nerve! Joel, shut up. You see! You see! He's now telling me to shut up! I mean, am I not aloud a little bit of resentment or a little bit of anger? Stop being so melodramatic, Joel. I'm not being...I should really kick you in the balls, bastard! Accept that you are glad that I'm back. I AM glad that you are back, but you didn't say anything, you left me alone. (now he's rolling his eyes).

You are just jealous that I went to the Islands and have this stunning tan and you don't. Prefiero mi jinchera a esa bronceadera que traes. Stop speaking in Spanish. Que no. Yo hablo lo que me de la gana. But what about the people who don't speak spanish. Well, they can always find a dictionary. You really are something. Whatever. Now, say sorry and translate. ¡Que no! You are such a baby. Whatever.

Everybody, this is Joel, the tanned one, Joel has gone off of the computer. He's being temperamental. He's glad to see me. He just doesn't like other people to see his feelings. It's nice meeting you all.

Monday, October 24, 2005

And today is Monday again

It seems that I can't get enough of Mondays. Hmm. Maybe that's a sign. I should make something up and write. Just for the sake of writing. I guess I could just let my mind run now... I don't think I want.

I was watching the wrestlilng, and they are showing a stupid "comedic" sketch that has gone on for too long. I wonder who's writing the scripts. Today has been the worst show ever.

I guess that is not interesting. I guess I've lost the will to be entertaining. Maybe tomorow. TomoRRow.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Hoy es Lunes 17

(Today is Monday the 17th)
(and Today I write in Spanish, I'm in the need of my accents and conjugations)
(Translation services are available at, or you could wait until I do it)

Hoy es lunes 17 de Octubre. Hace exactamente una semana que no he escrito un carajo. Que he estado en el limbo, que ni siquiera me pego a la página blanca por miedo al noséqué. Tengo dos cosas interesantísimas en la cabeza para escribir, y por alguna razón no encuentro la fuerza para hacerlas. Tengo que obligarme. Estoy decayendo, como está decayendo mi blog. Tan emocionado que yo andaba con mi blog, para allá y para acá... que si le escribía todos los días. Nada. Lo que sucede es que estuve esperando respuestas y comentarios, estuve esperando ver la vida al otro lado de la página, y resulta que la vida al otro lado de la página es invisible. Resulta que el otro lado de la página no me pertenece a mí, que aquellos lectores que viven en esos bordes son dueños de sí mismos aun cuando vuelan por los cielos de mí mundo escrito. Resulta que a pesar de que esos lectores se inmersan en mis mares voluntariamente, no los puedo obligar a que reaccionen y mucho menos que reaccionen ante mi. No puedo obligarlos. No puedo. Resulta que este lado de la página, el del escritor, es difícil de aguantar, porque el escritor quiere saber la opinión del lector, pero he llegado a la conclusión de que no es necesaria, es bien recibida e importante para el crecimiento escrituril, pero no es necesaria para mi, porque este lado de la página, mi lado, es mío, para mí, para mi propia satisfacción. Lo que escribo está hecho para que se lea, y seguramente se está leyendo, lo único es que no hay récord de que está sucediendo. No importa, yo ya cumplí con mi lado de la página, y si se lee bien, y, si la iniciativa de comentar está en aquellos al otro lado está presente, mejor. Pero ya no me voy a rochar. Ya no. Lo que va a suceder ahora es que me voy a sentir contento simplemente de ver mis párrafos en la página.


Monday, October 10, 2005

Stupid Rain!

Sunday, 3: 58 AM
(Joel finishes talking on the msn messenger with a friend).

Sunday, 4:00 AM
I'm excited because tomorrow I will be a tourist! I will be going to the castle of El Morro, take pictures, take the blazing sun. Sweat with no care... But there is a thin rain falling right now. I hope it won't be wet tomorrow. Well, not tomorrow is technically today. But, until the sun rises it is still tomorrow to me.

Sunday, 4:30 AM
(Joel sets up the alarm of his cell phone for 10:30 AM).

Sunday, 4:55 AM
(Joel's cell phone suddenly rings) Hello? And I hear people talking for like 5 seconds. And then they speak to me. And then I don't understand. And then I say its 5 in the morning and then she (Heather) says "I'm so sorry!" And I go, "It's fine! I was up anyway" and I smile. But she goes "I'm so sorry, I'll call you tomorrow!" And I go, "It's ok!" But she was hanging up already.

Sunday, 5:01 AM
(Joel, finally, puts his Da Vinci Code book down and thinks:) Stupid book! It's a hatefully written book, (hatefully, meaning clumsily written, as in it being very insipid, and almost technical), It's a hatefully written book! But... The mystery is sooo compelling. (and then Joel goes to sleep).

Sunday, 10:30 AM
(Joel's alarm goes off but he doesn't hear it).

Sunday, 10:54 AM
(Joel wakes up, because his body has something to do today, but doesn't remember, then his mind give him a bolt; and right then, he hears a thunder and the rain falling on the back yard. Joel says: "Stupid rain!", turns around in bed, and falls asleep again).

Sunday, around 1 PM
(Joel wakes up again from a very good dream, he doesn't remember, but it was very good; he goes back to sleep).

Sunday, 3:21 PM
(Joel finally gets out of bed).

Sunday, 5:00 PM
Stupid rain! I was supposed to go to El Morro! To be a tourist! I even charged the battery of my broken camera! (which works! nonetheless). Aarrgh!

Sunday, 5:13 PM
Lets go watch Flightplan! (Joel suggests to a friend (Randy), he says "Ok").

Sunday, 7:05 PM
(Joel's phone rings. A call he's been expecting from another friend (the other Joel). But Shites! The movie is about to begin, so Joel's brain is bombarded with distractions: of people walking by, of the sound of the theater, and the conversation wasn't as good as it should have been).

Sunday, 7:20 PM
(The movie starts.)

Sunday, 9 something PM
(The movie ends and Joel has to pee, the bathroom is full of people, so he waits. When he goes into the stall, he surprises himself to see how much liquid he was holding in.)

Sunday, 9:4something PM
(Joel is having an amazing strawberry and cream frappucino from starbucks, he had never had one before, and a raspberrycheescakebruller or something like that).

Sunsay, 10:30 PM
(Joel watches wrestling reruns on a local channel).

Sunday, 11:03 PM
(Joel calls his friend, the one who called at seven, to arrange something).

Monday, 12:30 AM
(The wrestling show is over and anxiety falls onto Joel)

Monday, 1:29 AM
(Joel starts to write this post, anxiety building up. Luckily another friend logs in (Matt), this time on the AIM messenger, and the anxiety recedes for a while).

Monday, 2:49 AM
Stupid rain! The hole day has been wet, with a little rain falling at random hours. (And as he says this, a light rain starts falling.) It's been rainy for the past 7 days, why did I think today was going to be different? Plans have a way of not being accomplished. Damn it!
(And with that thought, Joel's anxiety boils up from his stomach once again, thinking of his previous arrangement).
The future, like today, holds uncertainty, holds a lot of rain.
(But Joel loves the rain!)
I shall be all right. If rain falls I will curse at it for a while, but then I will go under it and be showered.
(Anxiety of the future, it holds uncertainty, a lot of rain. But Joel loves the rain!)

Monday, 3:00 AM
(Joel puts Sunday's date for this post (instead of Monday's), but he changes his mind, and leaves the post for Monday at 3:00 AM. Then he hits "post".)

Friday, October 07, 2005

On how we meet our friends

It is weird how people get to know other people. To think that at some point you wouldn't even talk to someone, and the next thing you know... that someone is so special. And afterwards you think back, and don't even recall how it all started.

It is the mystery of friendship. The mystery of the mind to gradually forget how love progresses from none to all. Have anyone stopped to think about this? How is it that you find friends? How is it that they become such an immense part of us? What was the process? Was it just by hanging out? Layers and layers of different qualities build upon layers and layers of lots of other experiences and then, without the slightest clue of what's happening, that person becomes the person you call on the phone when you are bored, when you need help, when you need company, they are the people you call when you fear for them, people you call because you care for them.

Only once was I aware of this process. Only once. And it is still so unexplainable, because, even when I was aware that that person was going to be a friend, I still couldn't grasp the moments in which we knew we were friends. I guess that that sense didn't come to both of us at the same time. What I remember is just hanging out, or like talking about what movie you like... I don't know.

What I do know is that, even when you never really know when your friendship started, you will always remember when it ends, or when it begins to end. Friendships can be lost with an act, with a word, with abandon. I don't intend on keeping myself uncommunicated of that person of whom I was talking, because I don't want to let happen the same things that happened in the past, friendships not broken, but forgotten. I'm sure I'll find them again, sometime, in the meantime I'll keep hanging out with the friends I have, and I'll keep wondering how weird, simple and complex it is to find one.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Some books have good appendixes, they inform you of things that you specifically want to find in that book. But other books have bad appendixes, so, they suffer from appendicitis (an inflamation of the end of the book... hmm)

Just a random thought.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yes, I know. I've been neglecting my baby here. I should be put in jail... lalalalala I've been busy writing a novel (or a pretense, or an effort of a novel, but I'm trying).

So, leave me alone!


ps. I have not forgotten JIP, I already have two titles... it is exciting to think about what I'm going to write, keep them coming!.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Neon Lights in October

Oh, I love the previous post. It is like Northern Lights (if you've ever seen them, because I haven't, but I can always imagine). Whenever you put your mouse pointer on the text, it glows neon green, it is beautiful. Don't you think?

I'm sorry. I know I'm naive. And impressionable. But I don't care, I like little things like these. They make my life interesting.