Thursday, January 12, 2006

The mirror of wonders

Have you ever thought of looking at yourself?
No, not just stand in front a mirror and look at yourself.
I mean, really look at yourself, as if from someone else's eyes.
Could you stand your own image/presense
for more than the couple of minutes you spend in front of the mirror?
One doesn't notice how one changes, because one is always looking at oneself periodically.
But, we don't see ourselves all the time, like your boyfriend/girlfriends would.
It just bothers me that I cannot see myself, how I act or how I speak or how I look from someone else's perspective. I guess I'd have to keep a camera fixed on me all the time. But isn't it unconfortable to see yourself? At least at first?
Movie actors must be cured from themselves... I envy them.
Doesn't it bother you? I guess this is me and my insecurities talking...
But it would be cool to invade someone else's body just to see me, (and to see how that "someone else's body" feels...)
I'm just very curious about weird stuff like that. About imposibles. About existential questions like: doesn't it wonder you how your body stands on its two feet?
It wonders me.


Isabel Batteria said...

Yo creo que la mejor forma de observarse de forma inusual es en una foto.

J O E L said...

sí, pero no me refería a verse en una forma inusual. Sino verse desde otros ojos, en acción. Lo cual se lograría mejor con una cámara. Y aun así, las cámaras terminan siendo como las fotos porque no puedes estar TODO el tiempo con ella pegá; a menos que estés en The Real World.