Monday, January 08, 2007

Joel rises from the ashes of oblivion

As the world turned on its axis to the new year, on that almost-full-moon night of December 31st, Joel fell into a deep deep silence. First, his computer crashed on the night of the 26th, right after Christmas. He partied the 24th at home with the family, and the 25th he went out for a couple of drinks in San Juan. It was already the 26th, like 4:00 AM, he turns on his computer out of habit, because he just wanted to go to bed, and that's when it happened. The computer was crying, giving shit in the previous days, turning itself/herself off, begging for some mercy, or for some medicine, but Joel only ignored her, thinking that she (the computer) was just being temperamental. So, that morning, at 4 AM, the computer started, but then it began to have seizures, as if it were epileptic. It blinked, and turned off. It jumped and turned off. It froze and turned off. Joel almost hit her/it. Until the death was certainly evident: a blue screen appeared, saying that Windows had had a supermega-fatal error and that Joel should go fuck somewhere else, because she/it was fed up, she wasn't going to take the finger any more (on the reset button), no more raping of that button, the message said. But! The irony is this. On the 25th, Joel got a new desk for the computer... and it was a deserted desk... And so, Joel realized that it was time to move on.

And he did. Because Santa also brought him the game Zelda, Twilight Princess for the awesomely new Nintendo Wii. He played long hours, forgeting that he had to read Cien Años de Soledad (A Hundred Years of Solitude) by García Marquez (not as an assingment, but because of the hype). Zelda is awesome, Joel would say. Awesome, he'd repeat.

Then, the turning of the year made him dizzy. Just knowing that the world turns on its axis and that people celebrate with fireworks and lots of noise, brings in the thought of the earth shaking towards... towards... well, around. But, in all seriousness, the new year party was great, as it always is, but, since my computer was still pale, twitching, dead, I couldn't write my beloved First Email/Post of the Year... But that shall soon come! For now, I leave you with this resurrection. I was gone, and I almost forgot myself, I almost vanished, I was faded, but I come back from the volcanic ashes of the dark oblivions because IIII am Joel, and no matter how much I stand back in the shadows I will always (or will try to) be with my light on and with my door open.


Kahlúa Macarena said...

you can be so over talkative... you sound like the kids on dawson's creek... lol [take it as a compliment - i like it] ;o)

J O E L said...

aaaaajajajajajja esa es la idea! the overdisplay of the drama in spoken, erm, written word!