Monday, October 30, 2006

The World Stops For an Hour

And as Joel comes back from the shadows, as he reappears from the ashes of oblivion, as he returns from the depths of internet/cable debt, he wonders what will the people of the world do when it stops for an hour this very nigth, at any moment.

People around the world will suffer the strains of time change. One hour will do. People will be falling off their beds. Buildings will collapse. The world will stop abrutly. Please listen. Grab onto something. You'll have better chances if you grab something that is burried deep on the earth, like a well or a hugeamongous tree. Do not go to sleep. It will be your doooooom.

as I was writing this, I saw a lizard fall from the ceiling outside my window. It made a splatering sound, surely he survived, but that just proves the theory of the things falling... I TOLD YOU! it is STARTING! Feel the earth moving! Feeeel


Kahlúa Macarena said...

joel... wtf?

La Caribeña said...

Nene, ¿qué te comiste?
Halloween te tiene mal....

J O E L said...

Daylight saving time!

get it?

J O E L said...

eah, caribeña, mira eso, la hora es la misma!