Thursday, April 05, 2007

Chronicle of the currently-refurbishing Borders bookstore

I work at Plaza las Américas (aka the Mall). Sometimes instead of going home, as every normal person would do, I go to the Borders Bookstore. I go in and out as casually as if it were my own house. The employees must know me already because I go in dressed in my uniform ("here comes that guy again") (although, I don't think I would be that interesting).

The thing is, that I went in a week (or maybe two ago) and the store was just as I remembered. I would always go to the horror section, and knew exactly where Steven Kings books were. I would go to the graphic novels section (which, was, bytheway, right next to the horror books, go figure). I would go to the literature section, and to the new releases.

But yesterday, I went in through the second floor and halfway in I notice that there are some new racks displaying the music CDs. And I was like: "uuuu, how cool, new furniture". But then, I saw the wall (where the CDs were before) and horror! They were remodeling! It wasnt that bad, really, just some empty racks, unfinished painting and broken carpets, and CSI's "danger" yellow-strips to prevent curious people going in.

So, I went down the stairs and from the top I see everything in different layout. Oh gosh. I was lost. Súper (accentedly) lost. Where was the new realease rack? Oh, there it is: a WHOLE wall now displays them. Where is Steven King? Oh, there it is: a whole rack (taller than the one before) with his books, and of other horror writers (Dean Koonts, anybody?). Where is my literature? Oh, there it is... it is actually in the same place. And the graphic novels? Two racks down the hall!!! Dang, everything is so different.

But wait! There's more! The plot thickens! There are now Hallmark cards (not Hallmark, some other brand, but you know what I mean). And the Magazines!!! The offering is two or three times what they had before!

But Joel, where does all of this fit? Well, hehe... As I am walking through the newly arranged racks of books I notice that there is something wrong. Hmm, there used to be a wall right here, next to the sex area. Wait. There USED to be a wall here!!! Oh my gosh! It's gone! It's gone! The bookstore is now endless (almost). There is an avenue, with books on each side of it, stacked high, and it makes such a great vanishing point of the converging perspective (puntos de fuga por la perspectiva), it's almost like unreal. It's like watching the far horizon while the sun sets. (So poetic, dang). Anyway, the point is that it is so hugeamongous that I was feeling a great fulfillment. Does anyone else gets this excited about a bunch of books? (Of course! Hence the fact that they expanded! Hello!). So I was like a child in a playground. But I guess it is good marketing for the store. The bigger the store, the longer people are inside, the longer people are inside, the higher the probability (risk, ssshhh) of buying some odd or nice book. Cash cash cash.

Still, Borders will see me as often as always. Possibly even more. And, anyone who likes books, and says that doesn't like the store, lies! (Well, probably not anyone). I mean, who doesn't like to play? Come on! It's just a fairground for us!

Long live the capitalistic mindset of the western countries! Hurra! Hahaha.


openeyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J O E L said...

I forgot to say that the Borders is fucking amazing. It's like a book paradise, a book palace in which I would love to live in...

(I wonder why the previous person deleted his/her comment).

Iva said...

i had the same reaction as you when i saw the remodeling. lost yet happy.

Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro said...

me happy too!!!!!!!!