Friday, September 08, 2006

Appalled! if not Horrified!

Dios mío. I believe in God, or in something or someone larger than me, that makes everything happen. On the other hand, I think the bible is just a fictional story, at least three quarters of it (a fictional story that I like, by the way, with all of the fantasy that's in it, it's like medieval Harry Potter).

Shery, dedicated a post to God some days ago. And I left a comment: "la verdad es que ese es el que lo hace todo" (the truth is that he makes it all happen). And he does!

But, God gave us Freewill (© Copyrights of the Seventh Heaven), but, people have not learn to USE it wisely! "Live, and let others live". "Do unto others as you want them do unto you". "Ama al prójimo como a ti mismo".

I was happily surfing, for upcoming movies and I find this documentary:
Jesus Camp.

I was appalled! HORRIFIED!

Why do adults make their children do these things? It is NOT healthy to worship God blindly! You have to worship him because you want to, because you feel it, because you know inside that he exists. God has to gain your trust, just like every other love you may have. Your parents have to be good to you so that you do not hate them afterwards. God has to gain your trust too.

But! Why are these small children crying at the church?! And convulsing?! What kind of derranged mind makes them do that? Seriously. To worship an idea that is not... I can't...

And not only that... WHY are the motherfucking churches promoting the "army" of god, WHY are they getting CHILDREN ready for the "war"!!!

O sea, que no entiendo. Por un lado quieren terminar las guerras, pero por otro promueven la guerra del señor. !¿QUÉ PUÑETA está pasando?! Por eso no puedo lidiar con religiones, me ponen de punta (conste que dije religiones, no dije Dios). Me voy.

An Epiphany just hit me... God is surely working on me right now...
I just said that God has to gain your trust, just like your parents, just like your boyfriends/girlfriends. And I also said that to love God blindly is not healthy... well, my epiphany consists in that
"If you love blindly then you are in bliss", because it is true, that if your love is unconditional to the point of blindness, then I guess you will cry and convulse on the floor for the ones you love...

Still, churches just want your fucking money! Do not be fooled by the sugestive music, and the overly long manipulative speeches. Read! Learn! Get your conclusions! Absorb what is good from them speeches (the parts that speak of being a possitive person for possitive results, for example), and ignore, PLEASE ignore church people when they ask u to do things that seem overly exagerated. You can feel God ANYWHERE, you can feel him in a Michael Jackson song, just as well as in a Luciano Pavaroti, and NOT just at church...

Ok, I'm leaving, because I'm starting to convulse too...


Anonymous said...


JP said...

Reminds me of my time in high school. *shudder*