Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Joel's not-so-monthly book review

Stephen King's From a Buick 8.

This book I read some time ago. I was walking down the street, today, and I thought why dont I write something about it... and here it is.

I remember being doubtful of buying it. I remember not buying it right when it came out (as oposed to other of his books). I would say to myself: "That book is not good. How interesting could a Buick 8 be?". As I'm not into old cars I was apprehensive to buy it. So, then, after a very long time, after seeing it in the bookstore shelves for a long time I finally bought it. Then, as it always happens to my books, there comes a kind of quarantine, the reside anywhere in my room waiting for an exact place in the bookshelf, and waiting, of course, for me to read it. So, it was one of the books I took with me to Orlando, I read it there.

I regreted buying it.

It is the slowest most annoying book I've ever read... well, not actually, there has been other more painful books..., but Stephen King?! I was surprised. I'm not going to tell the story because there isn't much to tell. The whole thing is a flashback, and everybody knows that movies (or books) that are a big flashback are not very interesting, for some reason. There is this Buick that is like a transdimensional gateway. It begins very nicely, a rare Buick that if you scratch it it heals itself, and the radio buttons are just made-believe, like if it were a prop, the steering wheel is dispropotionate to the dashboard... The car was abandoned by a "russian" with a black cloak and a huge hat (I imagined a black mexican sombrero with like argentinian finnesse, kind of like the one El Zorro would use). in a gas station. And then the story lingers on describing the car over and over, and telling stories that revolve around the car, but dont lead to anything really. Creatures jump from one dimension to the other, people have disapeared from this dimension, but nobody really does anything about it, the characters just accept it as a weird common thing (of course after a long time of keeping the car)... The story even says: "this story doesnt have a middle or an end" (or something like it), and it really doesnt.

At the end, I got some gruesome pictures of an alien-thing which i cant describe now (its too alien) and the death of the dog was interesting. But I think Stephen King could've done so much better. Maybe he should've killed a person instead of the dog... (my sick writing mind is working). The book is a picture of reality, there is no story (and the story knows there is no story, but it doesnt say that until you have read like three-quaters of the book), there are only happenings without any drive.

I love Stephen King's books, ALL of the ones i've read so far are great! Bag of Bones, Hearts In Atlantis, Carrie, Pet Sematary, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (its hard but good), even Dreamcatcher is a wonderful book (too bad the movie is awful)... Read them! but please, please whatever you do, do not read: From a Buick 8, its just not worth it (or read it, and try to change my mind!).

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