Thursday, November 02, 2006

Post-Halloween Horrifying True Story

Since I refused to post anything on Halloween night, I will post something that may or may not fit in a Halloweenish way.

This is called:
The Killer Eyebrows

My left eye has been, lately, the target of continous attacks by my eyebrows. Almost every other night something falls into my eyes. Suddenlly I feel something itching in there, something foreign, and most of all, with an edge, that prickles my eyeball and makes the eye tear up, and fog up. So, I go to the mirror, and with a flash light I closely examine my wet eye. And there it is, as if it were a black slash, the guilty eyebrow. Many methods are employed to get it out.

First: I call someone to blow me (no sexual pun intended), to blow on my eye.

Second: If that doesnt work, I pour water.

Third: If that doesnt work, then I personally put my fingers in there to extract the little hair. It is a dangerous task, I could loose my eye, but I must, because who can live with something in their eyes? Seriously?

But what is curious is that it is only my left eye... Then I wonder, is the right eye paying the eyebrows for the destruction of the left? Was there a love affair between right and left, and now the right has some grudge on the left? Who knows... Possibly this mystery will go on into the vaults of oblivion.

1 comment:

La Caribeña said...

Esto debería llamarse, "Attack of the killer eyebrows" a true story.