Sunday, August 20, 2006

Quote of the Month (Hilarious)

Lately I have been willingly forced (whatever that means) to watch three TV shows of the USA Network. Me he quedao pegao a los tres programas. And these shows are (in order of appearance): The 4400, The Dead Zone, and House. The 4400 is about these people who were taken (as in alien kidnappings) by people from the future, and then the people from the future returned them to the present. 4400 people were taken, and returned, hence the name of the show. Now, the 4400 have powers, and they have to protect mankind from themselves, to save the future. The Dead Zone, is about a guy who was in a coma for 5 years, and now he can see the future and the past, and goes around with a cop friend (who's also the husband of the girl who was his fiancé) solving mysteries and saving people from dying. Then, House is about a very unothodox doctor, called House, who has a very peculiar way of treating his patients. He is blunt, angry, bitter, but also very honest, and the best... And from him comes today's "quote of the month".

Before I give you the quote, some back-story: House, and his team of doctors are discussing the very uncommon symptoms of this woman-patient to the head doctor of the hospital, trying to get liver transplant for her, and House says, in a witty and non-funny way, along with more doctor talk:

"she can't live without a liver, hence the name"

Get it?
I couldn't stop laughing. I even lost track of some of the episode.

"She can't live without a liver, hence the name!"

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