Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Again: the most unexpected people surprises you at the most unforseen moments, and in the most unimaginable ways.

There is this girl at work (she is beautiful, I shall add), she's volatile: anything may set her up into an angry rampage, well, not anything, but she is easily angered. She is a small girl, of course, the smaller the raunchier... She doesn't have children, but she almost have adopted her nephew. And you can see her sweet side when she is with him. I was also surprised one day to see her playing with a Gameboy Advance at work, she was helping the daughter of some other employee to pass a stage of the game Finding Nemo (go figure!, such a childish game!), so, when I say: "I never thought you'd be of the kind who played video games", she answers: "well, I've played a lot with el nene" (el nene, being his nephew, whom I'm sure she loves as if he were hers). It was a sight.

So, because she is feisty I like to tease her; we tease each other mutually actually, one of those things to get past the day of work... She is inmune to pinches, you can pinch her anywhere and she would say: "Doesn't hurt", and she would say it like a child would say it just to show you that he/she is tough enough. So I pinch her again. Then she pinches me, and I yell (I guess I have better pain receptors than she does!). Then, I resort to poking... poking with the goal of making her jump. It doesn't work either, she's a "ticklish silente" (I just made that up), it means that she is ticklish, but barely. And so, I loose again, because you have to just put a finger on my ribs and I'm jumping.

Now, to the point of the story: So, one of those days, I'm not sure what we were doing... probably I was filling a glass of juice... she was in the way, and something happened: maybe the glass fell and she grabbed it and filled it up again; or maybe she set a coffee cup for me on the coffee maker... I'm not sure (we all do these things for each other). The thing is that she does whatever it was and she saves me and says:

"That's how much I love you" (Eso es pa que veas lo mucho que te quiero).

I smile and, while we keep filling up drinks, I repeat what she says: "That's how much you love me..." (...Lo mucho que me quieres...).

She hands me the juice or the coffee and adds: "It's because you're the only one who's not a hyprocrite".

And a rush of blood floods my head and my face, and I stand still for an unperceptible second, and I smile... She keeps doing what she's doing and immediately adds:

"And you know how I am with hypocrisy". I should know, there are some people she doesn't stand at work, and she gets bitchy with them.

Then, with embarrasment, pride and humbleness at the same time, I say: "You don't know how much that moves me".

"It's true", she says, and walks out of the drinks station.

I don't remember much of rest of the day, and by nature I have horrible memory, but that moment I will remember for the rest of my life.


Unknown said...

saludos mi pana...

Yuliana said...

Excelente post. Esos momentos son importantes... te hacen ver la clase de persona que eres.

Kahlúa Macarena said...


yo detesto la hipocresía. y las etiquetas...

C said...

buena gente, de cora'

Anonymous said...

Awee that's so nice, cuando alguien te dice algo asi.

Estoy de acuerdo con kahlúa, no soporto la hipocresía y mucho menos las etiquetas... But you have to deal with people like that every day =S

Lyllia said...

Es sorpresndente de lo que somos capaces los seres humanos... great post!

Anonymous said...

es que la hipocresia es la cosa mas fea, yo como padezco de sinceridad... y digo padezco porque la gente no esta acostrumbrada a eso. No me refiero a ser "boqui suelta" ni nada parecido, sino que la gente no esta acostumbrada a la sinceridad punto.