Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Challenges of TomoRRow

Oh, I've been anticipating this post for a long time. I have! I wanted to write it badly, but couldn't find the words. It's not like I have the words tonight, it's just that tonight I am going to be brave enough to write it, without knowing the outcome.

The Challenges of TomoRRow.

No, I'm not going to go sci-fi on you. Not at all! Although it wouldn't hurt, now that I think of it. TomoRRow brings all of these images into my head like, the deep, black ocean of space (merde! so cliché!) (Cliché is in French?!) (Oh my God!, it is! I always knew it, but never stopped to think about it, hmm, so the parenthesis should say: "merde!, très cliché!") Moving on from my tangent. As I was saying, Challenges of TomoRRow brings images of the deep, black ocean of space, of highway lanes on the surface of Saturn's rings; of blue, cold, windy atmospheres in Pluto; of glowing, flaming reds in Mercury; of seas of smelly methane gas on one of the moons of Jupiter (I actually read an article about that, and I wondered how a "sea" of gas would look, and this is what was concluded: "when you dip your hand in it, it is slightly colder than the air above, but it doesn't feel like water would feel, it is like dipping your hand inside a whirlwind, that waves slowly, even thickly between your fingers. But then you cannot see the surface of this sea methane, for it is covered by a greenish fog that hangs on top of it, swirling and lurking, as the sea is not solid, it is just heavy, concentrated gas, just hovering on top of another solid, which we would call the "sea bed"." My mind is digressing once again!).

But no. I am not going sci-fi on you. Not at all! Although images keep coming: of stars, of three suns burning, of two moons shimmering, of the sun just walking along the horizon, instead of rising on top of our heads (and you don't have to fly deep space to experience that, just hang around in Antarctica, or in the North Pole with Sandy Claws... The sun just drifts around you, and not over you! It makes sense, since the north and south pole don't ever get direct sunlight. But to actually SEE the sun just go around the horizon, it is incredible. I can only imagine how lost people would get... That's another thing I learned, or unlearned, and that people missed when they didn't go see March of the Penguins! ... And again, I trailed off.). I will start again.

No. I am not going sci-fi on you. Not at all! Although images keep coming. But no. I just wanted to talk about the word: Tomorrow. Such a nice word, isn't it? It suddenly, for nor reason, fills your lungs with pride or maybe with hope, with the hope to see a future day? The hope to live one more day? It brings images of light, of freshness, of birds chirping of the sun rising, and it would make sense, as the word comprises of: To (direction) Morrow (which once meant: morning). Oh, But No. What I want to point out is the fact that tomorrow is written with two "R's". I was surprised the day that I stopped and looked at the word when I was chatting with a friend. I had typed: "tomorow", and I had always typed it like that, with one "R". But then, I looked at it, and, for some reason, it hit me that it looked odd, that is was missing something. I went to my trusty dictionaire and found that it had two "R's". Then I made a comment to my friend, whom I was speaking to, and he said that it took HIM a while to remember that its double "R". This statement, coming from a native English speaker, appalled me. But soon I got over it, because I myself forget how to write Spanish words, like "necesitar", I forget if the "C" goes where the "S" goes. (That word is "to need", its variant: "necessary" is also confusing to me).

But Tomorrow is one of my favorite words (in English, and I love to read it from the English as if it were Spanish, which would sound: toh-moh-roh, or toh-moh-roe, depending on my mood). It is one of my favorite words, along with "bus" (in Spanish is "bus" too, but instead of reading it "bus", you would read it "boos", but a very short "oo", don't go booooing around; so, it sounds very funny when someone just comes and says "boos".).

So yes, Tomorrow is one of my favorite words, for many reasons: because it makes you procrastinate in your own self-contained thoughts; because it makes you digress from your current subject; because it makes you forget the "R's", the "C's", the "S's", the "OO's"; because it makes you totally go on a tangent that doesn't really go anywhere; because it makes you go very repetitive; because it brings flash-backs from the future, because it lets go of flash-forwards from the past; because it brings images of the deep, black space and a parenthesis that went after it concerning French; because it makes you remember things; because it makes you go "clichéry"; because it makes you think of what is coming, or not, or it just entertains you when you read it in Spanish: toh-moh-roh; or because it is just such a beautiful, beautiful word to look at: Tomorrow (proud T, repetitive O's, and the finality of a W, and, of course, the mysterious and intriguing double R). But it is one of my favorite words because it makes you realize, and it makes ME realize, what a liar I am, because tomorrow is a word that ultimately makes me go, and in itself it is, soooo sci-fi.

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