Monday, September 26, 2005

Repressed anger.

STuPID, FUCKINg, genes of mine! ASsholes, basTArDS, moTher"F"ing genes of mine! FuCKErs, dAmNED genes of mine! I hate them!

Except the precious chromosomes that invented my feet, those, THOSE are the best genes ever! My feet are the best, my toes even... They smell a bit, but, hey, genes are not perfect.

EXcept! The Rest of the GENES, they are all a big lot of SHITTERS!, DAMN YOU ALL. Genes puÑeteros!, cABRonES, HIjos de PuTA!! Malditos! aaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAah!

Ok. I'm good now. Let me just cut this arm off, and I will be just dandy!

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