Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hispanically Impared and a cucubano

If you heard "hispanically impared" what would you think? Would think that being hispanically impared would mean something like: hispanics are living impared? I can't even think, but it seems as if it were something that revolves around hispanics, like being hispanic is an impediment.

Well, you are wrong (if you thought that, like I did when I wrote that first paragraph... *coughs* just now).

I just laughed when a friend wrote "for the hispanically impared", meaning those people who don't speak spanish.

I don't know where I'm going with this post. I just wanted to say that "hispanically impared" just made me laugh. It's just that I wrote something in spanish and the I translated it so that "hispanically impared" people could read and understand what I wrote in spanish. Hispanically impared. Does it sounds offensive? I don't know. Sorry if it does.

Anyway. I wanted to say that I saw a Cucubano today (cucubano is a very puertorrican word (I think), for the hispanically impared that is a Firefly, and for the "puertorricanly impared" that is a "Luciérnaga" (that is for those who don't speak puertorrican spanish, hahaha, I'm having so much fun, I should be a teacher....).

Anyway, so, I saw a cucubano tonight. It has been AGES and AGES since I last saw a cucubano. They are such sad and happy creatures. Their light is so dim, and green and sad. But seeing them (or IT) made me so happy that I stayed at the university tonight. I remember that behind my old house there was a humongous brush and a creek, and the trees, and there were cucubanos there everynight, they were many minute, dim, neon green lights floating carefreely in the dark sky. With the years lights in the city slowly turn the lights of from the cucubanos, and they are now barely seen. I also remember that when I first moved into this house... (which, for those of you who don't know, behind the back yard wall there is a huge cemetary) ... so when I first moved here there came two cucubanos into my room. I was in my bed looking at the ceiling. All the lights were out, because my mother didnt want bugs to come inside, since there were no screens on the windows and doors. So I was staring at the ceiling and suddenly there were two green eyes looking at me. Whoa! But then I realized they were cucubanos, and I watched them. If you turn the lights on them, they kinda look gross, like little cockroaches, or not as nasty... maybe like common black small bettles... So, I fell asleep with them, flying around my ceiling...

Why do I bring this up? I don't know. It just popped into my mind. The post was supposed to be about spanish/english things... I guess I'm not in the mood for a class.

I'm just marvelled at how these insects have a light in their... asses. If they were any other insect I would have smashed it with a sandal, without any thought, or remorse.

Well then. I fulfilled today's post. I covered other languages, and I wrote a warm post at the same time. Entertaining AND educational. Some entomology, and some puertorricanisms (if that word exists at all), and some translation. I'm doing good. Now, for the hispanically impared: "adiós, and look for those cucubanos..."

1 comment:

Isabel Batteria said...

Joel: Me encanta tu blog. No comento en todo, porque no siempre sé qué decir y no quiero ser como algunas personas que ponen cosas como "Me gustó" o "Sigue escribiendo, buen trabajo" y ya. Pero me gusta mucho. Estás escribiendo un montón y eso hace pasar el tiempo.